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About AndyStrat

  • Birthday 10/23/1965

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  • Location
    London UK
  • Interests
    F1 crazy, Flight sim, Fishing and anything computer related.

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  • Virtual Airlines
  1. I have the same issue, updated to the Beta FSX.SE & the 777 don't work. I get black screens & the landing gear don't show so the plane is floating in the air. Waiting for a fix for this soon.
  2. Never seen wing flex like that... looks like it's flapping it's wings..Maybe it's just the video?
  3. If the stream was good enough for Mathijs Kok then it's good enough for me :-) Not everyone likes what we see or hear but I am grateful to Belynz for doing what he does. With over 29,000 views he can't be doing a lot wrong :-) I won the Twotter during the stream and after the preview I can't wait to try it. Andy
  4. I found a new video, They called it the 737 MAX :)(oops! just seen one above.. ) Andy
  5. Rex 2 OD, GEX Enhanced, ASE. Thanks guys, doing some testing with various settings. Getting better slowly but surely. Andy
  6. Ok, well let's stay on topic so we all know where we are. All we need now are some willing highly experienced pilots. I am sure they will come rushing forward soon to offer the members some extra help with the NGX. I sure need it.......LOL AndyJust had an idea It don't happen that often so take note I could set up a server for those who are able to offer help and for those wanting help.Then we don't get problems with people joining as they wish and we could also get ATC to make the training flight a little more realistic? Just an idea, now I need to lay down for 5 minutes to recover.......... Andy
  7. What does this have to do with sharing a flying session??? Andy
  8. My thoughts exactly I see so many highly experienced members here, it would be great to share a flight with them.And we would not be taking away their flight time as we will be flying with them I think short flights are the answer, it's the easiest way to understand the departure and arrival.The last 11 days has been very frustrating for me. It has taken me that long to work out how to land using the ILS and getting all the settings right.I am not the brightest button in the box and I have struggled to fly the NGX as it was designed, but I am no way giving up. The detail in the design is amazing, it is truly brilliant to fly. I hope we can get some very nice expert people to help us fly it better.Then we can pass on what we learn and so the process continues. There us so much to learn, but I am sure in time we will all be able to master this bird. Or die in the process.......LOL Andy
  9. Thanks for the response guys. I have always believed it is easier to learn from seeing that it is from reading. Or maybe it's just me not enjoying the reading? You can indeed share your aircraft on fsx and it is very easy to do. The one important thing is you need the same aircraft & livery, or sometimes fsx will not allow you to join.I have done this a few times a long time ago when it was just using gps, it made it a lot easier to understand as well. I am aware of AOA and will be doing the training they offer, but I wondered if this could also be done by members volunteering to do short guidance flight so that those who just can't grasp things we ill be able to do so in just a few minutes.Imagine say 45 minutes flying with someone who has a lot of experience, I am sure that most would jump at the chance, I know I would. If anyone out there is willing to offer this, please post your details. We don't expect 30 lessons a day of course,but if those with the most experience could help out when they have some spare time I am sure the entire community would benefit. Andy
  10. Hi guys & girls, I am aware that many people are still learning to master the NGX like myself and would no doubt benefit from some expert guidance.Does anyone think it could be a useful for those who have mastered the NGX to offer to share a short flight with a much less experienced person? It could be say EGKK to EHAM so as to keep things simple and short. I have been chatting to a few people who are real world pilots and I am sure if they had the time they would in fact help us out. Some of us don't take things in so fast by just reading and I think most would agree that you can learn more by seeing what is going on and in what order things need to be done. I think this would be a great idea and would help those who are struggling a little and would also enable them to get the most out of their sim time. This could be done using the Multiplayer side of FSX and although not the best, it is pretty good and you can secure the connection so your not disturbed. As I said, it is just a thought and maybe some of you with a lot more experience would be willing to help those who are struggling a little. Thanks in advance. Andy
  11. Thanks matey..... it means a lot.. My friend Zach has been helping me with the correct cfg setup. He is a true star... Andy
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