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  1. hi Guys is there anything new about this topic? I have the same problem with the 747-8. Maybe someone has figured out, why this error occurs with the brakes. best regards mario murhöfer
  2. the famous "nose wheel sliding turn???? oh... what is that? 😉 but you´re right. the tiller don´t move and is locked. any chance to repair that? thanks for the quick answer!
  3. hi Guys I have a problem with the 747-8. Although I can steer the aircraft on the ground, but the nose gear does not move and remains rigidly aligned straight out. the main gear is moving. especially in relatively narrow turns you can see that very well. but the nose gear does not move. this problem is on the intercontinental and the freighter the same. i´m using the fsx. best regards mario murhöfer
  4. Hey guys The long promised B777-200ER would be nice. Especially before she becomes a complete classic oldtimer and disappeared on most airlines. Also, it would be great to have a B777 that you can not fly with full payload around the complete world whithout a fuel stop. But that's just my opinion. Best regards Mario Murhofer
  5. hey i´m using the fmc. it calculates the fuel on actual parameters and it´s very precise. regards Mario
  6. hello from germany! try this.... start your sim and choose the 747. than start the flight. when the flight have started, save the flight and close your simulator after that. then start your sim again and load the saved flight. greetings mario murhöfer
  7. Ok......i think, i´ve found the wrongdoer...... a small prog names aircull. this is to reduce superfluous ai traffic on big airports to save vas-memory. but....we´ll see! Mario Murhöfer
  8. Thanks for the quick answer kyle! Which textures? the ground textures from the addon airport? And why can it be, that the Problem is there, and the next time i start the fsx on the same location and the problem is not there? aaaarrhhhh please help me........one of the gratest addon aircraft of all times and than that!!! :smile: Mario Murhöfer
  9. Hello! Is there any solution for the problem with the lights and the splashes, that don't iluminate the ground. When i start the flight with the queen, the lights iluminate the ground for a second. After that, it stops and ground is dark again. Any ideas? Best regards Mario Murhöfer
  10. ok......it don´t work. the next time i load the flight, the lights are gone again. :-( best regards Mario Murhöfer
  11. hello again! i think, i have solved the problem. at least for me. i have installed another halo.bmp file, that i´ve download from avsim long time ago. this file i have now deleted and replaced with the orginal halo.bmp. and now the lights are iluminating the ground. yeeeeaaaaahhhh!!!! ;-) tested this on flytampa´s dxb with the 747-400ER from Qantas ! best regards Mario Murhöfer
  12. good morning from germany thank you PMDG for this great aircraft. absolutly amazing aircraft. and all the diffrent versions like the bcf and the 400m......that´s a great work. and the big problem.....the VAS.....i don´t know how but.......with the 747 this is not a problem. great work,too. but a little issue for me, is the problem with all the lights, that i can´t see on the ground like the taxlights, the landinglights or the navlights and strobes. with this, a big point of atmosphere is lost. i dont´t have a shadermods installed. again a big thanks and a big kompliment for this epic aircraft. with best regards Mario Murhöfer
  13. okay guys. i have fixed the problem. i think it was a little bug in a saved panelstate. i´m allways save my flights with this aircraft to the same filename. and then it is of course the same name for the panelstate. i think, i have used the rudertrim a few weeks ago. then i save the flight and pull the setting through all the saved flights with this aircraft. yesterday i take a look at the rudertrim and it showes me a value that was a little bit to the right. i´ve pushed the reset button and nothing happend. then i turn it to the middle. taxi was ok. no right turn. and no the funny thing.......with the rudertrim in the middle i pushed the reset button again......and the trim jumps to the value from before! okay..... i saved my flight with the trim in the middle and now everything is fine again. my stupid fault. nevertheless thank you for the help guys. wish you a great weekend and pmdg........please hurry a bit with the 747! :Big Grin: Mario Murhöfer
  14. okay....i ´ve tried to taxi only with keyboard commands and have disconnect my controler. same problem. the mighty plane turnes right. Mario Murhöfer
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