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  1. Hi I have installed Linda 3.1.1 Joysticks everything ok, VRInsight MCP Combo ok Flt/ FSUIPC Configs Action required. In Red fsuipc files not found. I have inserted the line, [VRInsight] [1=COM3] into fsuipc configuration in Prepar3D modules folder. Please some help on this would be appreciated Kind regards Dave
  2. Hi I am unable to get past the action required screen in LINDA after a new PC build and installing Linda 3.1.1 for Prepar3d V4.5. Linda settings screen says fsuipc files not found. I have inserted the [VRInsight] 1=COM3 line into the fsuipc.ini file. VRI sim software tells me that the com port is 3. In the ini file it list VRI Port 1 "COM3" failed to open. Please any help, on this would be appreciated Many thanks in advance Kind regards Dave
  3. Hi ScotFlieger. Have downloaded and installed 777 module 1.3 and MCP now working. Thanks for all your help Dave
  4. Hi ScotFlieger. Where do I download the PMDG 777 module from? Dave
  5. Hi Scotflieger. I have renamed the PMDG 777-200 R, to PMDG 777 as suggested in Linda/Linda.cfg/aircrafts/modules folder and in the Prepar3D/Linda/Linda.cfg folders. The only controls that work the PMDG aircraft MCP/Efis. using the VRInsight MCP2 are the Flight Director and the radio coms rotary and cabin light switch. All other controls not working. Cheers Dave
  6. Hi ScotFlieger I have copied the contents of the Modules to a memory stick, let me know how much of this to email to you. Also please provide email. Many thanks Dave
  7. Hi ScotFlieger. Thank you for your reply, I am unsure what you mean by follow the thread and email me the files ? Sorry to be a pain. Also what is your email address. Many thanks Dave
  8. Hi ScotFlieger Please find below the entries made today. ********* FSUIPC5, Version 5.121b (2nd October 2017) by Pete Dowson ********* PLEASE DO NOT POST LOGS ON FORUM. IT MAKES READIN DIFFICULT
  9. Hi ScotFlieger. Thank you for your reply. Yes Linda Syncs to the PMDG 777 (Orange box) No I don't see the PMDG 777 Functions Assignments from the drop down box. In Local disc (G) where Prepar3D v4 is installed, there is a Linda folder with aircrafts,data,libs,lua,system folders, and read me folder. Underneath Linda folder there is a Linds-cfg, with aircrafts and system folders. Inside the aircrafts folder there is a FSX Default and PMDG 777-200 R. Inside the FSX default folder there is. backup folder, config-hid.lua folder, config-hid-saitek.lua folder. config-mcp.default folder. config-mcp2.default folder. config-mcp2.lua folder. config-mcp2a.default folder and config-user.lua folder. Inside the PMDG 777-200 R folder there is a backups folder, a config-hid.lua folder. config-mcp2.lua folder. and a config-user.lua folder. In the Modules folder there is FSUIPC folders, Linda.exe. linda.lua. linda2. Ivars.lst. ipcReady.lua. Folders In the Linda the folder there is aircrafts, data,libs, lua, and sysytem folders. Inside the aircrafts folder there is FSX default and PMDG 777-200 R. Inside the FSX folder there is actions.lua folder. FSX Default -mcp2- assign, folder. read me and. user.lua folders. Inside the PMDG 777-200 R folder there is actions.lua folder ident.lua folder. PMDG777-200 R-Functions TXT document. folder. PMDG 777-200 R-mcp2-assign TXT document folder a read me folder. and user.lua folder. The Linda-cfg folder holds two folders, aircrafts and sytem folder. Inside the aircrafts folder is FSX Default and PMDG 777-200 R folders. Inside the FSX Default there is, backups folder. config-hid.lua folder. config-hid.saitek.lua folder. config-mcp.default folder. config-mcp2.default folder. config-mcp2.lua folder. config-mcp2a.default folder. and config-user.lua folder. The PMDG 777-200 R folder contains a backups folder. a config-hid.lua folder. config-mcp2.lua folder. and a config-user.lua folder. ScotFlieger, I am sorry about the long winded explanation, but its the best way for me to describe where everything is, I am hope full you will be able to make sense of it. Many thanks in advance for any help on this. Dave.
  10. Hi ScotFlieger. Thank you for the reply. I have installed version 3.0.3 everything now green on Linda set up, VRInsight MCP2, SPEED, HDG, ALT and VS all working on MCP2 unit but not changing the settings on the PMDG 777 aircraft MCP. When i select a knob on the MCP in Linda the only options I get from the dropdown list for the PMDG 777 are, PMDG 777-200LR User Functions/Edit User Module. Or PMDG 777-200LR Module Functions/Edit Aircraft Modules,and System Functions/initvars. Hope this makes sense to you. Again many thanks for any help on this Dave
  11. Hi all. I have just built a new PC with Prepar3D V4, Installed paid version FSUIPC 5 and installed Linda 2.9. Latest version, on set up Linda sees yokes and controllers all ok but Linda cant find FSUIPC files. They are all in the Modules folder but Linda set up still unable to see them. Thank you in advance fro any help on this on Dave
  12. Hi I need help with a Raaspro error I get when I start FSX. The error States. Flight simulator has detected a problem with a third-party software program (add-on) Name RAAS Professional Version Company: FS2Crew File: .\RAASPRO\RAASPRO.dll It says do I want to run this software (Not recommended) I then get error code XACT Audio Init Failed. code 0x8889000a I have FSX with service pack 2. Any help would be appreciated Dave
  13. Hi Scot, My Devices are Saitek Yoke, Go flight TQ6 throttle. Go flight landing gear and flap module, VRinsight MCP 2 Combo, I always exit FSX by the same way "End flight,re load the default flight, then end the default flight. then shut Linda on the red X, then shut Active sky next. I have just finished another flight and tried shutting Linda down before I shut FSX, I still had the same, Access Violation at Address 007C117A in Module 'Linda.exe' Read of Address 0000000. Exception EAccessViolation in Module Linda.exe at 00350B87. Access Violation at Address 00750B87 in Module Linda.exe Read of Address 000002C8. I hope this helps you in any way Scot, if I can help in any other way let me know. Once again many thanks for your help. edmundo
  14. Hi Scot. Many thanks for your help with this matter, I have done another two flights Linda and VRinsight MCP are working well. However when I close Linda I am still getting two Error messages in boxes saying Access Violation at Address 007C117A in Module 'Linda.exe' Read of Address 0000000. I close this error window then I get a second error window saying Exception EAccessViolation in Module Linda.exe at 00350B87. Access Violation at Address 00750B87 in Module Linda.exe Read of Address 000002C8. I think a re install may be the best way forward. Backup. What is the best way to backup Linda prior to a new installation? (Drag to desktop) Or is there a better way? I have spent quite a lot of time reassigning my aircrafts buttons and rotaries on the MCP, Can I save this for putting back into the updated version of Linda, and if so what is the best way of doing this? In the installation notes for 2.6.7 it states if 2.6.was not successfully installed, to delete all Linda files and folders. (Does this mean delete Linda and Linda cfg in FSX folder, and Delete Linda and Linda cfg in FSX modules folder as well? When I re install Linda 2.6.7 Is it best to drag from the desktop the new modules and sound folders to the FSX directory. Or do they go into /FSX/Modules folder ? Apologizes for being a pain over this, But I obviously got it wrong last time, unzipping folders is not a strong point of mine. Many thanks for your patience with this matter. edmundo.
  15. Hi Scot, I have set up my 777 and just done a flight frpm EGLL to EGPH all controls on MCP working well, after I finished the linda console reported the following error. Please have you any idea what is the problem. Many thanks in advance for you help edmundo \\MISSIONRANCH\Users\Dave\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\Previous flight.FLT LUA.1: [sTART] New Flight Load - restarting... LUA.1: [sTART] Aircraft: PMDG 777-236LR British Airways (Fic LUA.1: [sTART] Air file: \\MISSIONRANCH\FSX\SimObjects\Airplanes\B737_800\Boeing737-800.AIR LUA.1: [sTART] Aircraft module detected: FSX Default Aircraft="Boeing 737-800 Lauda Air" LUA.1: [sTART] New Aircraft Selected - restarting... LUA.1: [sTART] Aircraft: Boeing 737-800 Lauda Air LUA.1: [sTART] Air file: \\MISSIONRANCH\FSX\SimObjects\Airplanes\B737_800\Boeing737-800.AIR LUA.2: [iNIT] Starting Initialisation... LUA.2: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-aivlasoft LUA.2: [LIB] AivlaSoft library loaded... LUA.2: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-ATC LUA.2: [LIB] ATC library loaded... LUA.2: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-fallback LUA.2: [LIB] FSX standard library loaded... LUA.2: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-FS2Crew LUA.2: [LIB] FS2Crew library loaded... LUA.2: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-fsx LUA.2: [LIB] FSX Functions loaded... LUA.2: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-IVAO LUA.2: [LIB] IVAO library loaded... LUA.2: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-realityxp LUA.2: [LIB] RealityXP library loaded... LUA.2: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-saitek LUA.2: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-user LUA.2: [LIB] User Library loaded... LUA.2: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-VATSIM LUA.2: [LIB] VATSIM library loaded... LUA.2: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-vrinsight LUA.2: [LIB] VRInsight Function Library loaded... LUA.2: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-weather LUA.2: [LIB] Weather library loaded... LUA.2: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-a2amap LUA.2: [LIB] A2A MAP library loaded... LUA.2: [iNIT] Initializing Common Variables... LUA.1: [sTART] Aircraft: Boeing 737-800 Lauda Air LUA.1: [sTART] Air file: \\MISSIONRANCH\FSX\SimObjects\Airplanes\B737_800\Boeing737-800.AIR [E] *** LUA Error: H:\FSX\Modules\linda/system/init.lua:55: module 'linda/aircrafts/0/actions' not found: no field package.preload['linda/aircrafts/0/actions']linda/aircrafts/0/actions no file 'H:\FSX\modules\linda/aircrafts/0/actions.lua' no file 'H:\FSX\modules\linda/aircrafts/0/actions\init.lua' no file 'H:\FSX\modules\lua\linda/aircrafts/0/actions.lua' no file 'H:\FSX\modules\lua\linda/aircrafts/0/actions\init.lua' no file 'H:\FSX\modules\lua\linda/aircrafts/0/actions.dll' no file 'H:\FSX\modules\lua\loadall.dll' LUA.1: [sTART] Aircraft module detected: 0 LUA.1: [sTART] Aircraft module detected: 0
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