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  1. I don't know, I have the same problem though but it's not a huge deal so I just put up with it. Hope someone can figure it out :)
  2. Well the virtual airline that I'm at, Southwest Virtual (luvswava.org) has all those things and has a schedule but isn't so strict about flying "on time" per say, which I PERSONALLY like. Most VAs just base rewards and ranks on hours. I LUV the VA that I'm at right now, the staff is very nice and helpful, it's a small VA but it's very active, and has a great ACARS system and site check it out! www.luvswava.org. Sorry if this doesn't meet your criteria excactly but I think it's a great VA and you would like it. :D Orlando
  3. New Mexico One looks cool! Also just tested out the "dirty Luv" and it's awsome! My favorite swa repaint so far! Has alot of character. Orlando
  4. lol is that "spreading the luv for 35 years" written in dust? lol nice :(
  5. I have to agree with Ben. I don't own this soundset yet so I can't say but from what I hear in the video, the engines do sound less "video game like". PMDG did a great job with their sound but ya know that feeling when you hear something and you're like: that's it!! That's the 737!!! I think I will buy this set and hopefully it will be good! :D Orlando
  6. Je ne parle pas francais bien mais, je veux aider. Apres instalation, ouvre fsx et choisis le pmdg 737 ngx et ecris le activation code. Pardon ma Francais J'espere j'ai t'aider!
  7. Oh wow lol! That joke can go a few different ways! If that happens to you, just tell her to go around!
  8. found this on youtube... thought y'all might get a kick outta it.
  9. Well I bought this product yesterday and I have to say, the engine sounds are a little bit better than the pmdg IN MY OPINION. I think the default pmdg engine sounds are a bit too "rough" for in the cockpit. These sounds sort of give that noise ambience that you get when your actually inside the plane. I also love the roll affect like Jay, it just sounds cool I guess. I agree that the flaps sound a bit loud for the cockpit but it's not a big deal to me personally and if someone really wanted they could just remove that sound. I kind of like the sound of the flaps because it reminds me of when I actually fly in a real ng and I get that anticipation of taking off or landing when I hear the flap motor I'm not a real pilot so I can't comment on the authenticity but I would recomend this and it's also really cheap so you have nothing to lose. :)
  10. Okay so Pmdg legally doesn't have any obligation to its customers other than the ngx itself. Sure. However, it is good business practice to, especially if you've told your customers that it will happen, at least give frequent, POLITE AND PROFESSIONAL updates on the situation and perhaps try to work with customers and developers to do the best they can in the situation. I think that PMDG has given a sort of annoyed and arrogent vibe about the subject and I find that rather unprofessional. The customer is always right and I think this is something that is ESSENTIAL to GOOD business. Its kind of like a restaurant. If I sit down at a restaurant with the best pizza in town, and I order pizza and breadsticks and I get my pizza in 5 minutes, but an hour passes and still no breadsticks, then I'm gonna ask, are the breadstick coming soon? If the waiter or waitress tells me: be patient and wait your turn, and don't bother me again, then I don't care how good the food is, that is gonna make me wanna leave the restaurant. So see, PMDG has a great product but mistreatment of customers is unprofessional and eventually will start to work against them. Now if the waitress/waiter told me: "I'm sorry, there is a problem with the oven. While you wait, would you like something else to drink? I will be sure to keep you updated on your breadsticks. Once again, thank you for your patience" then I would be much more inclined to wait and have no hard feelings toward the restaurant. And UAL, if you find this stuff annoying, then STOP LOOKING AT IT!! It's okay if you don't want to be apart of it but many others are very anxious and they have every right to be so don't be the police man here. Orlando
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