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Aaron Murray

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Everything posted by Aaron Murray

  1. Ok, do you know this for certain or you are specaulating like I am?
  2. I TRULY believe it WON'T be Hawaii only. I have looked at various comparison screen shots and they are similar to FSX. I suppose MS has simply taken the base FSX which covers the world and re-write the coding. Also, in their news section they have stated we will be able to explore the world with endless exploration and to fly where we want and when we want. Well, Hawaii alone could not provide us with endless exploration. Think about it...after a week tops we all should be able to fly around Hawaii exploring every valley every beach and airport on the island state.This is why (I) believe Flight will not be Hawaii only.
  3. Thanks for posting the pics mad dog. Wow, I can see it now. XP-10 is not that much better than FS9. I wont even bother comparing it to Flight. I will lay-off from buying it and waith for Flight and see the overall product. If anyone has more comparison shots please post them!
  4. You live not only in a beautiful part of Canada but also the world. Lets hope that Flight represent your area well. I think though, these flight sims tend to concentrate more on populous areas. I have flown into Van City and its not bad in default FSX scenery.
  5. I live in Toronto, Canada and even in default FSX scenery there are several Toronto lanmarks buildings an remarably this includes the Etobicoke bridge by the lakeshore. Has anyone seen the the Seattle Needle or the Boeing factory?
  6. Are suggesting that Flight will include speech recognition? Hmmm, I can imagine using my voice to speak to ATC.
  7. Yes, VegaSS, can you please post some XP-10 Pics of Hawaii so we can compare them to Flight.
  8. I have the x-plane 10 Demo(with not time limit) and the 747 is better than the default FSX 747...and yes the default fsx 321 is not great...Remeber we are talking about a 6yr-old game. The 777 in XP10 is not great, but the small planes are good. Anyhow, the problem for me with XP-10 is just the overall feel, setting it up, the controls, the breaking (default setting) and while the scenery is ok and yes plausable, there's something missing. I just don't feel immersed in the game. I tried, and tried and will contiue to try. This is exactly how I feel: XP-10 is like a vacation to me where FSX (with several add-ons) feels like home.Thanks.(p.s. From what I've seen thus far, do you think XP-10 scenery is BETTER that FLIGHTS' scenery...at least in Hawaii?)
  9. Thank you sir for clearing it up. When it comes out, lets do some flights togather. I like your insight. I have been waiting for people to give unbiased review of X-plane 10. People who use that sim claims its the greatest sim since slice bread...and I really don't see that. beleive me I tried.
  10. Fsau, why do you keep INSISTING Flight is Hawaii only? Do you know something WE all don't know? I mean, do you have (insider) information or like most of us, you are just speculating?
  11. Hey, what did you NOT like about X-plane 10? I held off on buying it because I was not so sure. I did try the demo, well...I have yet to enjoy a decent flight.
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