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  1. nevermind i sent one thank you all for your support and help! hope i don't have to set up another post :( haha love the faces :(
  2. is this goodhow do you send support tickets.( sorry I am completely new to this)
  3. o sorry... how do u sign ur name? and that isnt the email that is my new email. the old one that i used was cbusick101@hotmail.com
  4. its not that i cant login, its i cant use the plane. i made another account and emailed them but havent hears anything.
  5. Hi, on December 25 2011, I purchased the 737 ngx. When entering my account information, I must have entered th e-mail address in wrong. The reason I suspect this is because when I try to sign in it says that my log in information is wrong. So I have the plane, but no way to use it. I would really appreciate it if you could send an activation key to my email joshooooo33@gmail.com.
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