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  1. https://www.fsdeveloper.com/forum/resources/ai-flight-planner.279/ I think you will find out which file is needed if you read the manual. You will have to read it, because it's quite complex to explain in here. It takes time, but you will be successful. I did it by myself.
  2. I was going all through that and there was never rain and also the texture missing alert didn´t come up. So, then I started to look into the security maniac in windows 10 and made there lots of new exception rules. Om top I reconfigured the folder permission rules again, because some were not as user owned (read/write was ok). Of course at the end I had a look in the firewall rules and voila. But I learned again and very ok. You gave me very good support! Thank you again Steve. Have a nice christmas 🎄👍
  3. It was a firewall problem 🤭 Oh god, I forgot an entry at the server. That took a lot time to find out, geez. Hahaha Thank you Steve!
  4. It is Windows 10 on both machines, client and server. still not tested not tested, because, that makes for me no sense. where is the rain fix? you mean the strech fix. I think there are only two options... do I find that in the fixer? debug? I enabled all in there.
  5. Hi, Problem: no rain or snow at all I use FSX Gold on a networked system. Using AS16+ASCA on the client with bad weather incl. precipitation indicated in AS16, there is never anything like that to see in the sim. But... Without AS16+ASCA, using the default weather options in FSX, I can see snow or rain. I don´t understand that. I opened ports for AS16 in the firewall, renewed the shaders, went back to DX9, uninstalled the DX10 libaries in the Fixer over and over again, no luck. Hope somebody has an idea, because I think this problem should have many users. Thank you for support Peter
  6. Wow, in the first picture the groundscenery over the wingview looks very nice... 😮 Hard to believe it's FSX. How did you do that
  7. OKAY, I am in an open climb now. Works nice. Thank you for your quick help!! Assigning "C" did the trick 😁 Peter 👍
  8. I assigned it to a joystickbutton. Mhm, okay, I´ll try the "C" key and let you know.
  9. Yes, I do hear the whole Preliminary Cockpit Prep, Cockpit Prep and Before Start Procedure till step 20 as stated in the manual. The FO is also setting up some settings No. I am red it already more than twice. http://www.support.fs2crew.com/help/manuals/#pageid=captain___pilot_flying With and without the internal Airbus checklist I have no luck. There is only one audio device listed in the cfg, Realtek High Definition Audio. But thats not a Headset Device... Is that the problem? I´d like to have all audio on the speakers. Peter
  10. Hi, I just bought the software, but I am not able to start "Before Start Proc". In the CFG button I have a positive audio test and I can run the "Run PF" button (I can hear the FO Flow) but nothing more. After the half an hour preflight everything stays silent. Do I have to activate the internal checklists of the airbus itself? Peter
  11. Hello, I am also a long time simmer. I personally liked 9.1 the most. I waited very long to switch over to FSX. And I knew it would be a hard one. Now having a powerful system I can enjoy simming. It took me more than a year to find out, I think longer..., to find the "right settings". I don't have every week time to test almost a day, because when I test it takes that long. Sometimes I still change little things to see the effects. I am with FSX not Steam. The decision to change to SE wasn't a question. It's not worth it from what I saw. My FSX runs the same. P3D is a bit better, but for me no question. Reading the terms of use stopped my interest. X-Plane is very nice, but I think a bit too bumpy. I will keep an eye on that! Maybe other sims are coming, but it will take a lot of time to convince me. Because: The fight for money goes on and on and on. If there is a real brakethrough we will know! If not, I will not spend any cent more in simming. Buying over and over for almost the same problems is a nogo! FSX is not a beauty comparing it newer sims, but for me it works quite good. I can fly (with vas control) anywhere I want. My final words to this: we don't need half way ok sims. We are desperately waiting for a full working product with all options FSX has and more to come without developers who are killing almost the hobby just for money or beeing the finest of their own.
  12. I don´t know... the german government? you never know... The FSX computer is only online when needed, like activating software etc. Other tihings will be done on a second computer, which is a bit more online. Further activation on the internet is done on a completly different computer without MS! But maybe, there is some kind of probability having a connection problem at my place. Of course, that can always happen. Now it´s working, and that counts for me. Anyway, thank you for the nice 737. Peter
  13. Ok, that was a quickie. The Operations Center is alive now. Thank you whoever did this
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