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  1. Dear Matt, may you rest in peace. This was especially tragic because of your age.
  2. Rusty

    Nick Needham

    May you rest in peace Nick. I remember reading your FSX guide high-school and again in my thirties. Thank you for everything you did for us, you will be missed.
  3. Dear All, With the addition of 40th Anniversary content, I am fast running out of space on my 1TB NVME SSD. Should one take advantage of the black/white Friday sales and purchase a bigger drive, can MSFS simply be "copy/pasted" over? The last thing I want to do is have to re-install everything again (which is not a problem) but then spending days to reconfigure everything is a huge task. Please could someone advise! Thanks.
  4. Thanks Omar! I will surely look into this, perhaps PM you at a later stage.
  5. Cheers Ray, that's good to know! Unfortunately I am one of those types, need to go the Full Monty. 🤪 One insanely good thing about MSFS also is that reinstalling is a breeze, most of the addons for P3D come "Built In" for MSFS. Out of interest, if I was to get a new SSD for MSFS can one simply copy and paste over (assuming I renamed the directory to the original one) or would a full reinstall be required?
  6. Thank you all for your respective contributions! As discussed, the overwhelming consensus seems to be a full reinstall of Windows due to the fact some aspects still linger deep within the registry. For those advocating keeping P3D, while I would considering the significant investment, it simply feels like FS9 each time I open it now, MSFS has spoilt us indeed. Thanks again!
  7. Hello guys, Today I have made the decision to remove P3D from my HDD. Nothing can beat the raw-power and beauty of MSFS and now that high-fidelity addons are here from PMDG, FENIX etc: I have not touched P3D in over six months. In order to free up my HDD for much anticipated addons for MSFS it now makes sense for me to wipe P3D. However before doing so, I would like to ask for the support of the P3D forum members on what is the best way to remove or uninstall P3D. Additionally, after doing so should anything else be touched in the registry in order to remove any lingering aspects of P3D. Thanks for your support! Note to Moderators: Please do not be sensitive regarding my post, as I am asking for support regarding uninstalling P3D, it is not my intention to spark a MSFS "versus" P3D discussion.
  8. Hello Captains As I made a post while back regarding TBPB and FENIX to see if both were compatible given the warning on FENIX stating it may cause problems. However after a few replies suggesting it works fine and testing myself on several flights I can confirm both work well together. Perhaps due to recent updates. If moderator would like to pin this for other FENIX users go ahead.
  9. Lets wait and see chaps. The baby-bus is still new and so is MSFS. Don't forget now it is released to public, this is when FENIX will be able to collate all the data and feedback to make effective changes. OP you made a fantastic list of things, some surely easy changes to implement.
  10. Cheers bro! Have purchased INI Heathrow, seems good big FPS hit though.
  11. Cheers guys, thanks for the inputs! Will definitely give it a shot then.
  12. Good evening to all! Quick question, is anyone having any luck with the FENIX A320 and toolbar pushback? I saw a while ago it was causing problems but to be honest GSX is not here and the inbuild pushback engine is distracting when starting engines. Also is there a dedicated forum for the FENIX? Kind regards to all!
  13. Good evening Gentleman, Ladies, Kindly requesting your thoughts for best airports in the MSFS summer sale, so far I purchased INIBUILDS Heathrow. (I am mainly flying in Europe, exclusively A320) Also if there are any other tools recommended to complete the MSFS experience such as pushback addons etc. Thank you in advance!
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