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  1. This could be a stupidly obvious suggestion and chances are you are already doing it but have you tried running everything (especially P3D) as administrator (by specifically right clicking on the run button and selecting "run as administrator". I doubt it will work but I didn't see the suggestion anywhere else. -Jonathan Bass
  2. I have SP1 installed but forget to delete the old panel states. By accident I loaded an old panel state then exited the sim. Could any permanent damage come from loading an old panel state by accident? My guess would be no but I would like to make sure. Thanks for any help. -Jonathan Bass
  3. Both Kyle and Froogle have mentioned the ability to update the wind data mid flight through the data link feature. I was curious to know where the updated wind information is coming from (since the original is from a downloaded file with the wind information only available from when you downloaded it).
  4. I know that you have solved this problem but I have had a similar one and was wondering how you fixed it. -Jonathan Bass
  5. orbit9192

    Sat Dome

    :lol: Thanks for the quick and funny response. I very much enjoyed your entire video when it came out. -Jonathan Bass
  6. orbit9192

    Sat Dome

    I noticed before the 777 release that in some of the beta tester's videos there was an option for a Sat dome (much like the NGX) which was never an option after release. I have followed this forum for well over a year and am surprised that no one else has brought this up. I do not really care whether it is an option or not but I am curious as to why PMDG decided to take it away and if it is planned to come back. Here is the link to the YouTube video with the feature in it: and you can skip to 1:08:35. -Jonathan Bass
  7. I will assume that it is just a problem with simconnect. I have a few more tricks up my sleeve that I will try. Thank you for your help. -Jonathan Bass
  8. I have checked and my main panel.cfg does not have the Active Sky weather radar on it. There is a backup .cfg called something like "panel.asncfg". That is not it but the same format. -Jonathan Bass
  9. I haven't had access to my main FSX computer since last Saturday but I am pretty sure it is uninstalled. I will check later tonight. -Jonathan Bass
  10. The only thing that changed was I installed the Active Sky Next weather radar panel (which I have since uninstalled and after uninstalling I uninstalled FS2Crew, then reinstalled along with the service pack C for the NGX). -Jonathan Bass
  11. I may have not been completely clear the first time. Basically no matter what I do (tried everything in the manual and previous threads) FS2Crew will get the SDK error always when I host a multiplayer session (except for the very first two times I used it, since then i have reinstalled FS2Crew and tried everything again) but it always works in free flight. Any ideas on how to fix this would be great. Cheers. -Jonathan Bass
  12. There is no reset flight option (CTR + when hosting a multiplayer session. If I quite the session (ending it for everyone) and re-establish it the same SDK error occurs. -Jonathan Bass
  13. I have been using FS2Crew for the NGX successfully on free flight for about a month now. When I host a multiplayer session however the SDK fails to initialize. I have read the past posts and the manual for how to fix this but nothing has worked. One thing that had been suggested was to restart the flight (CTR + but this is not possible in multiplayer. I am wondering if anyone else has any advice. Cheers. -Jonathan Bass
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