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Everything posted by HeartofDavid

  1. I am using it. However, if you have scenery installed it seems to place buildings over top of what's already there. But it's GREAT because it does put buildings around the airport which is something! ha ha
  2. Hey Bill! Sorry... ha ha.. I have always installed FSX in the root directory. In other words, C:\Flight Simulator X I've never had issues at all with any other product and FSX has always worked great for me. So.. I tried installing the DC-3 package directly into the correct FSX folder I have on my computer and that did not work. No Gauges. So I thought... well... maybe something isn't quite working right that way so I installed them to a fake FSX directory in the (x86) program files folder and then proceeded to just copy the folders over from that to the actual FSX folder. This did not work either. It sounds like you are saying that I have to install FSX into the (x86) program folder for the Maam Sim DC-3 to work? Which I guess I can do.. I just have to re-install all over again. It's just weird as I have never had this issue before. I think your email might have gone in my spam folder. I'll check. :-)
  3. I just purchased the MAAM sim Dc-3 Package for FSX. However, I installed and none of the gauges are showing up. I've tried everything that I can think of. I've installed using Admin mode, Installed them into a (x86) program folder and then copied them over to FSX, Uninstalled and re-installed, removed the gauges from the config file and restarted... I've tried installing the FSX update... Nothing I am doing is making any difference and I just spend $30 and cannot use the product. It's a little frustrating for sure! ha ha... Anyone have any advice? Tony
  4. Hello, I just purchased the Maam DC-3 / c47 package. However, when using the passenger dc-3 there is no altitude gauge. Am I missing something? The r4d-6 models are fine. Can anyone help?
  5. Yeah.. I think anyone who has flown a little in real life would perhaps like the more life like physics of X-Plane. I agree, FSX and P3D have some great features and are great sims! XP is just different and IMO model closer what it's like to fly in real life. :-)
  6. I too have had this issue. Seems to be worse when I am using custom scenery that I exported from FSX to X-Plane. I have found it hard to get the "right" settings in my video driver to make X-Plane look right. I use the nvidia inspector and I've tried so many changes but never really seem to see much of a difference.
  7. I have been a primary user of FSX for the past few years. However, I have been using X-Plane since v. 8. When version 9.7 came final I found myself using FSX and X-Plane each about 50% of the time. However, now after having purchased X-Plane 10, I have switched primarily to it. Yes, I think in some aspects FSX and P3D (which I also have) have some nicer eye candy overall. The lack of airports in XP sometimes frustrates me but I have been converting some of the airports I fly out of from FSX into X-Plane and they work great. There is something different about the experience in X-Plane. Having flown a bit in real life, X-Plane just seems to give me more of that same "feel." I actually get a little tense on approach and landing and I actually have to concentrate. ha ha.. In FSX it's like riding on one of those go kart tracks with the bumper rails when I was a kid. :-) I do think there is a lot of potential in X-Plane and believe that v. 10 is heading in the right direction! I also LOVE the CRJ from JRollon. For those that have not given it a try, I encourage you to do so!
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