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About n19htmare

  • Birthday 09/05/1983

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  1. What it means to me? I'm not sure it really means anything other than what every other pastime activity means to me. However, like you, I'm appreciative that it's available, for $60 or so odd bucks and a couple of add-ons, I'd say over the 3 years, I've gotten more out of it for what I put in than anything I can remember in a while, if that's what you mean. I have dumped more money and time into hobbies I can't even remember what they were lol. So Yah, I too am glad MSFS got a new life and it continues to see growth. I honestly thought that the flight-sim and it's community was on the downturn and it was a fading hobby. Glad I was wrong.
  2. Considering I have had Gamepass for years now (3 year trick, with cheaper extension conversions) and continue to extend with offers, then yes, I'll give it a go on day 1. Conversion costs are a bit less per month cost, not as good as 3 year Xbox live trick but considering I use it a bit, it's not a bad deal for half the price of Netflix.
  3. Do you have any mods or items in your community folder? The message has to do with something with possible incompatibility. It might work on normal if you don't use that mod, but doesn't mean the system didn't see it as a possible issue. Try with a base MSFS version with no mods and and empty community folder to see if you still get the error.
  4. The inconvenience of "pop in" in only a few certain situations is a price I'm willing to pay over and over for the insane performance gains. The FPS are not just higher, but each FPS feels better and smoother due to a drastic reduction in frame times. There's always people who complain with every freaking update. Oh, the light reflections are worse after update oh this is bad, that is bad now. This is a massive improvement... stop panning around looking for glitches and pop ins and just FLY!
  5. I use an even poorer version of the Track IR. I use the free Opentrack software and the hardware includes an $10 Sony PS3 Eye camera. For the tracking I 3d printed a clip and used 3 IR SFH485P LEDs. Total cost I'd put around $15. Works GREAT! Prior to getting a 3d printer, I just cut the IR clip from a carboard and superglued the LEDs, worked well.
  6. Most definitely met my expectations because I kept my expectations at a reasonable level. I personally have had very few issues with it, very few CTD that have been long fixed. I do read the forums quite a bit and what I gather is that people who say they are disappointed had very high expectation levels. I mean some people were expecting the stock planes to be study level, they were expecting their 5 year old computers to get 60FPS on Ultra Settings with zero glitches. Flight sims have always been a long term investment type of thing. I'm very hopeful for FS2020. The community has already done so much in such little time and it's just going to get better and better from here on out and I can't wait. As with any product that has a competing product, there will be word not allowed who will say this, say that and that's happening a lot too but overall, I'd say I'm satisfied.
  7. Oh come on now, if you only get a chance to fly late in the evenings and you prefer some daylight flights.... go ahead, nudge that slider back a few hours. No one's watching :). Have you tried Island hopping around Hawaii? how about the new Japan Update? Plenty of places in Japan to check out.
  8. 1. PMDG 737 I'd like to see something similar to what A2A did to their Cessna and others aircrafts with degradation over time/hours. I don't want to feel like I'm getting in a brand new fully serviced play every time, because well, I'm not.
  9. I was on 3770K Intel I7 (4 core 8 thread) OC to 4.5ghz, 16gb ram, 1080TI and my 4 cores were mostly 95%+ usage. I was still getting decent FPS at high end setting (High 40s) and I DID NOT have any stutter related issues. I have a 1440P monitor and 1080P monitors. The 1440P was my primary for gaming and flight sim (borderless fullscreen) and the 1080P 2nd monitor I would use for other things like Youtube, web browsing, reference material, software like Lilttlenav map, the usual. Although FS2020 was running to my acceptable levels, the problem was I couldn't do word not allowed on the 2nd monitor due to all cores being tied up max usage. The desktop experience was not good. I came across a really good deal on 3600XT/motherboard combo and after 8 years, decided to just go with it. I'm pretty sure for the OP of this thread, the CPU was never the issue to begin with because my 3770K/1080TI never had stutters and gave me 45+ FPS, Maybe less at places but never stutters. I upgraded before the patches started coming out but I hear the updates helped older systems and memory optimization (less usage). Well you should have probably led with that, that likely was your stutter problem to begin with. Have you tried custom caching all 3 levels of an area and flying in that to see if you still get stutters? 5mb/s is quite low for on the fly downloads and slow internet speed has been contributed to stutters and freezing frames while data loads.
  10. My biggest gripe and really the only problem I've had consistently is the trim issue with Autopilot. It's spread across all planes and it pretty much renders the entire AP system useless. Even if you just want to use the NAV or HDG and not even touch ALT HOLD, FLC or VS.... engaging AP instantly trims elevator to one extreme or the other for no known reason. The WORST part of it? It happens randomly. It could be working perfectly and then at any random point in time, boom... MAX TRIM. Adding to the Worst.... it happens on some days and some days I get no issues. I'm SO SO SO CONFUSED. So for now I'm using MSFS for the challenges, landings, sight seeing, goofing around etc. I just can't keep wasting my OnAir time/losing rep and credits on MSFS until they fix autopilot. I did 200 hours on original release and ever since 2nd update, the AP thing has just gotten worse. I'm beginning to wonder if I need to ball up and redownload the dang thing.
  11. I figured out why the 10/1000 interval thing happens.... but I wonder if this is what also causes the AP to go haywire on the trims? This problem happens when a button or switch that is mapped is constantly in a pressed state (Held on). The Honeycomb has multiple on/off switches that could be bound to lights etc. However, whenever you do so, this problem happens. As soon as your release all buttons or switches from their constantly pressed state to off state things return to normal. Another thing you'll notice is when you're in the settings for the controls, if one of the buttons is in a pressed state, and you press other buttons/switches... they will NOT flash like they normally do on the mapping screen. Nothing flashes while the pressed buttons stays lit. I think this problem not only causes the 10/1000 intervals but also other problems such as forced full trims etc. I don't have the honeycomb yoke but I have a home-made switch box and I use a Leo Bodnar board and same thing happens when I have one of the switches flipped to ON (lights). I can only use buttons that are momentary on/off for now. Not switches. so either unbind those switches or use them as on/off meaning, use as toggle instead of set states.
  12. This problem happens when a button or switch that is mapped is constantly in a pressed state (Held on). The Honeycomb has multiple on/off switches that could be bound to lights etc. However, whenever you do so, this problem happens. As soon as your release all buttons or switches from their constantly pressed state to off state things return to normal. Another thing you'll notice is when you're in the settings for the controls, if one of the buttons is in a pressed state, and you press other buttons/switches... they will NOT flash like they normally do on the mapping screen. Nothing flashes while the pressed buttons stays lit. I think this problem not only causes the 10/1000 intervals but also other problems such as forced full trims etc. I don't have the honeycomb yoke but I have a home-made switch box and I use a Leo Bodnar board and same thing happens when I have one of the switches flipped to ON (lights). I can only use buttons that are momentary on/off for now. Not switches. so either unbind those switches or use them as on/off meaning, use as toggle instead of set states.
  13. There is definitely a bug in the C172 autopilot. I'm having the same issue where the trim goes all the way down and plane stalls. The order you set it should not matter, either it should hold current altitude if you press alt hold or climb according to FLC or even VS. But nope, as soon as I engage AP, trim goes wayyyy down no matter what. If I get it up to Level flight and then tell it hold it there, it will 90% of the time will. Just wonky all around still. Another thing, sometimes the scroll wheel will adjust by 1x and sometimes by multiples of 10, it has a mind of it's own on when to do what. Really hope they fix these issues, very annoying.
  14. That's Odd, I didn't have that problem with my BU0836A. I connected both axial and slider potentimeters along with multiple encoders. MSFS2020 saw the potentiometers as axis and I was able to bind 3 slide potentiometers to Throttle, Prop and mixture. The binding for the encoders works well too, I can control AP Heading Sel, Alt Sel, VS sel all with rotary encoders. Make sure your potentiometer is plugged in correctly into the BU0836A before connecting to the computer, If you connect a potentiometer while the board is plugged in, it will not detect.
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