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Posts posted by doorstep

  1. I have taken off and climbed to 5,000ft as instructed. I am then given clearance to climb to cruize level FL340.


    Just beforehand I notice the engines at 'N1' and I'm flying nose down!


    Full flight plan loaded before take-off.


    I turn the altitude setting to climb to my new flight level but it's not climbing? I try changing the 'VS' to get it to climb to no avail. To top it all the aircraft will not gain speed as you'd expect. The engines are still roaring away in 'N1'.


    Flaps are up, gear up, spoiler is down. HELP?


    Such a shame you chose to PM me a load of insults and to slag me off simply because I didn't "Google it"....

    I feel sorry for anybody that ever asks you anything, if all you do is slag them off for being too stupid to look something up... Real conversation killer huh..


    Sad that I've had to block you, but hey, if your just going to throw insults at people in private, I'm out. Too big a chip on your shoulder and you have clearly forgotten that you were also a newbie once upon a time, somebody somewhere had to help you, and did they tell you that you were too stupid because you lacked the intelligence to simply go look something up?


    Seriously, you need to revise your current version of "Human interaction v1.0" because its clearly faulty.

    I have also blocked every post, PM and everything from you, so please do spare us all any reply..


    Like I ALREADY said, I'm going to start with OVPA, so please, stop begging me to fly your VA, stop harassing me, stop PM'ing me, stop banging on about how your VA has the best this, the best that and how the sun shines out of your backside, because it doesn't. If you have something, chances are, others have it too, so pleaseeeeeee, leave me alone.. (I cant see any replies from you, so anything you do decide to add is actually invisible, I'm merely letting others know there is a huge problem with you)

    Good grief, you are an angry man!

    I offered to speak to help you on Skype, I gave you my email address and all this after your insults to me, asking you to google 'Teamspeak 3'? You then decide to black my name on here for offering to help you?

    I never begged you to join any VA, that is purely your choice. Your profanity was certainly not welcome.

  3. Didn't mean it as any sort of jab at you guys mate.... Was just reading what you wrote and thought "nice :-) went to check out the site and that was the first thing I spotted..

    Was just a question, hence the ?


    What's the most popular flying hours for you guys?

    The stats for your top Aircraft look great, both being ones I really like too "B737 / Avro RJ-BAe146" :-)

    Why not join us on Teamspeak 3 and all your questions will be answered?

  4. Was there any beta done on this product and if so, why wasn't it recognised before release please?


    I took off from Manchester yesterday on a VFR flight and after switching to autopilot the aircraft would not respond to the heading setting? It just kept going around in right hand circles. The throttle indent was on 'climb' and had reached it's commanded flight level.


    I have experienced the 'Localizer' problem also where the aircraft intercepts and then goes around in circles again. This is virtually unflyable and all flights lead to dissapointment.


    I soothe my troubles by digging out the NGX and ENJOYING a flight.

  5. Just checked out your site and the very first thing I see, at 11:30pm is "0 Pilots online"......?

    I suggest you read a little further. No one stay's up all night, some people have to get up in the mornings to go to work. I don't suppose you noticed us on Teamspeak.

  6. If your in the UK, you need look no further than http://www.jga-europe.co.uk/ for the most popular VA. We have a good following and use a commercial multiplayer server. Our ATC comes via Teamspeak 3 so, you can rely of full ATC throughout your flight.


    We have the highest participation on 'TS' of all flightsimmers and also the reason why out membership is growing constantly. Take a look and come and join us, we are a very freindly with some banter, bunch and I guaruntee you'll love it.


    Conversly, if you just want to fly your own thing the server is open 24/7. I now never fly off-line because I enjoy the company so much.



    We also have a 'Flight Academy' if you want to learn more about almost everything to do with FS. You will enjoy one to one, instruction.

  7. Looking around for some new engine sounds for the PMDG 737 NGX I came across one here in the AVSIM forums that was downloaded over 14,000 times (most downloaded that I've seen). The file name is sound_b_737-800.zip made by Aleksandar Ristovski. I made a backup of my sound folder then moved this folder in but now when I load up the plane I am hearing a loud rumble while sitting cold and dark on the ramp. I turned down the engine, cockpit and enviroment sounds down to 0 and it is still there. When I put back the original PMDG sound folder the sound goes away. Does anyone know how to stop this loud rumble with the sound b file?



    I'm sure that Armen C (PMDG Sounds engineer) would be very dissapointed reading this.

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