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About nukem

  • Birthday 03/24/1967

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    Comm, Inst, CFI, AGI
  1. HS-EFS is registered in Thailand. I don't know about Thailand but in the U.S, certificate action would be warranted. In the U.S. 14 CFR 91.13 Covers careless or reckless operation. Thailand probably has similar regs.
  2. I am doing something similar, displaying gauges to a separate monitor. I cut bezels from PVC pipe and spray painted them with chalk board paint. Overlaying the monitor is a piece of thin window glass to give depth and the bezels go on on the glass. The space in between the bezels will be masked with something, sheet aluminum or sheet PVC maybe. I have not done anything regarding gauge software but it seems there are many options.
  3. Except for the video card, your system blows mine out of the water. (but I don't expect much of mine) It would be an interesting experiment, when you buy the components for your custom build, if you and bslenter were to install the new video cards and P3D on your existing systems. Or mix it up (new cpu/old gpu) and post before and after results for a saved flight. Since we lack P3D benchmarks it would help everyone to know where the most bang for the buck is on hardware upgrades.
  4. I usually fly a stock baron or bonanza on instruments or heavy on the instruments VFR. Obviously the scenery is not terribly impressive at low settings and I don't have any addons. But is is smooth and flyable. Some more memory would be nice (ddr2 haha!) but I am planning a dedicated P3D computer within the next year. Also I am building cockpit components using arduino and multi. The interface helps the realism more than anything IMHO.
  5. Your hardware is as good or better than mine and I use V2.1. Frame rates vary from the low teens with medium settings on up to the low 40s with sliders mostly to the left. I never used FSX so I can't compare but V2.1 works just fine. I have a core2duo 3.33 with 2 gig ram and a Radeon hd7750 driving 2 monitors at 1280x1024. Give it a shot. It is no risk with the guarantee.
  6. Congrats! +1 on the tailwheel recomendation although it is getting much harder to find a rental to train in.
  7. I run it with a core 2 duo 3.33 win7 pro 32 and 2gb ram. The GPU is a HD 7750 4gb running two 1280x1024 monitors in eyefinity. So far I have not seen the GPU working harder than 50% and 1.4gb vram used. I had one OOM the other day flying the F22 with relativly high settings and some CTD issues playing with the menus. Otherwise it is very flyable on my old hardware. You could get an E8600 (3.33ghz) cpu for less than $40 for your motherboard on ebay. Even if you are going to use dual monitors a 2gb HD7750 ~$100 or equivalent will be more than enough for your computer. Just make sure the GPU is DX11 and low wattage. Remember it is a no risk 60 day return on the software.
  8. 1.5gb on an HD7750 but I only have a dual core 3.33ghz (2gb ddr2) so I run out of cpu before I really start to push the GPU. Both cpu cores run over 90% and the GPU has yet to hit 50%. Still it is smooth and flyable. There is so much to learn as I am moving up from FS2002.
  9. You are not wrong. P3Dv2 is very flyable at 2560x1024 on my old hardware. Of course I can't max it out but there is a bright future!
  10. My computer is a Core 2 duo 3.33ghz with 2gb ddr2 ram. The only remotely modern features are the HD7750 4gb and 128gb ssd. It might just be the lowest end hardware running P3Dv2. So maybe for you laptop simmers this will be useful. P3D performance is a pleasant surprise. With fps set at 25, it keeps up while driving two 1280x1024 19" monitors in 2560x1024 eyefinity on minimum settings. I started pushing the sliders to the right and it stayed smooth into the low twenties. Of course it was not too long before stutters became noticeable. I wasn't watching cpu or memory utilization, maybe tomorrow. Where I stopped tonight: Target 25 fps FXAA on MSAA 2 samples Anisotropic 4x Texture 1024x1024 Tessellation enabled Terrain high Tessellation high Mesh Res 5m Texture Res 30cm Land detail textures on Scenery all sparse Water detail low Reflections off Special effects detail and distance medium HDR lighting on Aviation traffic 20% 20% and Minimum Shadow quality low It is very flyable at these settings and mostly smooth. But there is a new computer in my near future. So I am eager to read everyone's attempts at hardware optimization!
  11. I considered this because my hardware would be able to run 4 monitors with V1.4 but only 2 with V2. My second GPU is not DX11.
  12. LM, thanks so much for including all of us! Are there diminishing returns on multi-core systems or does V2 take full advantage of a 12 thread 6 core processor?
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