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Everything posted by MikeBravo

  1. Hello I've got a strange issue with simconnect. A couple of weeks ago some files got corrupted on my fsx disk, so I did a repair of my fsx and everything worked again. I also installed all the service packs and sdk servicepack. My fsx now says its version 10.0.61472 sp2. However, there seems to be an issue with simconnect. Several planes (like the freemium 757, captainsim 777, posky 777 and some others) and addons like fsxsave they don't work. I've had this problem before and solved it by running some of the simconnect.msi in the \fsx\sdk folder. Naturally I tried this, but whatever I do, simconnect keeps running version 10.0.61242. If I run fsx with simconnect.ini creating a log file and it shows that version on top. I think it should read 10.0.61259. That's what I had before when everything was working. I gather something got very confused... how do I fix this? I'm running xp and am very reluctant to re-do the OS... after all I fixed it the last time without a re-image...
  2. Doug I LOVE YOU! The thread you referenced has solved my problem, on which I spent probably 8 hours of brain-breaking! In the end the solution was this simple (distilled from the thread to save people going through the whole thing) 1. In the \windows\WinSxS delete the three folders that have "simconnect" in it, or move them somewhere else. I guess some may have 1 or 2 or 3 depending on their system, I had three 2. Go to \FSXroot\SDK\core utilities kit\simconnect sdk\lib and execute the simconnect.msi 3 Now you should have a new folder in your winsxs folder with simconnect in the name, and the issue should be fixed. It was for me! thanks again to all who took note of my problem
  3. I had a 2005, 2008 and 2010 vcredit on my pc. Uninstalled all of them and installed the 2008 one. This did not help. After some troubleshooting (until 3 AM, sigh) I found out I have a problem with WinSxS aka sidebyside. Every time I start my fsx I get three events in my system event viewer: eventid 32: dependent assembly simconnect could not be found and last error was the referenced assembly is not installed on the system eventid 59: resolve partial assembly failed for simconnect references error message the referenced assembly is not installed on the system eventid 59: generate activation context failed for f:\fsx\modules\jb77_fmc.dll reference error message the operation completed succesfully I also have this issue with other add-ons like the captainsim 777, 727 and the freemium 757, where I get events about their respective dll's in the event viewer. I guess that having multiple simconnect folders in the winsxs causes xp to be confused about which dll to use? I'd really like to know how to fix this! Anyone has experience with this issue on XP?
  4. Hello all, Some time ago I installed a posky Boeing 772 with the jbpanel, which is really great and better than, say, the justflight/wilco 777. This is a link to the plane: http://www.fs-freeware.net/item/533-fsx-boeing-777-200er-air-new-zealand Unfortunately, since quite some time, it stopped working and comes up with some nasty messages on the PFD failed to load b777serv.dll check simconnect 10.0.61259 check mscvr90.dll I'm on windows xp sp3 I completely uninstalled sdk and then installed it back on. My FSX version is 10.0.61472 which corresponds with SP2. That's correct cause I have sp2 installed. In my fsx dir I see a simconnect.dll which has a version 10.0.61355 which seems to correspond with fsx sp1. In my windows\Winsxs folder there are 3 folders relating to simconnect. They have these version numbers - 10.0.60905 <- in this folder is a simconnect.dll with version 10.0.60905 - 10.0.61242 <- in this folder is a simconnect.dll with version 10.0.61355 - 10.0.61259 <- in this folder is a simconnect.dll with version 10.0.61637 I ran simconnect debug and created a log. It says that the simconnect verion is 61259 which is what my Boeing wants However, the log also says it cannot load the file "Modules\jb777_fmc.dll" More specifically it says load failed error=-3 but I couldn't find anything about this error This dll file is needed for the 777 to work, and it's there in the modules folder... but why it couldn't be loaded is beyond me. I even replaced it with a copy from the original download in case it would be corrupted or something. the aforementioned dll file is referenced in the dll.xml In the same folder is also jb777loader.dll and b777serv.dll so all the files that it needs are there! Now, the questions here are: - which simconnect.dll is actually relevant here? I - Is simconnect even the problem? In the simconnect log it says 10.0.61259 and so it says in the fshostclient.exe window so it looks like this is the version in use? the versions are such a mess? - would a higher logging level for the simconnect debug make any sense, and if so how do i set it? now its verbose - did anyone else have this problem and how did they solve it? Last friday I actually bought the captainsim 777 but that doesn't work either so now back to trying to fix this issue :( oh, and fsxautosave also doesn't work which might have to do with the simconnect issue (I saw a thread in this forum about it) but didnt have the opportunity to look at the specific error messages.
  5. guys, it all doesn't matter... check out this movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkcPL2bjc8s&list=WL976313A195B2CA8F 13-year old girl flying a 727 with a phone on one ear.. if they say in hollywood that it's possible then its darn well possible lol
  6. Well, after having read through some of the 19 pages and skipped most of the argueing, here are my 2 cents: I'd say it greatly depends on the personality of the pilot and the equipment that person is using at home to simulate flight. I've been in "realsize" sims three times: the first time was a full-motion antonov prop aircraft (AN26 or 28 cant remember) in a time when I was flying just with a keyboard. This actual simulator was used to train real-life pilots by real instructors, one of which was with me in the sim. After some time to get used to the controls I did a few good landings, and a few bad ones, but at the time I don't think I'd be able to land a real a/c, surely not a jet. What I did find was that the full-motion aspect didn't make much difference, if anything it was better than the fix base sims I flew later. In the fix-base ones, the display of the outside world was moving while the sim was not, which made me slightly sea-sick in the beginning. Like being inside a boat, just the other way around. Also, unless on extreme bank angles the slight movements didn't hurt me at all. Most at my disadvantage was the lack of yoke experience and the fact that at the time I used not FSX but flightgear, which is not very realistic. The second time was a fix-base 737NG, still in keyboard on flightgear era, and the first landing ended in a stall-crash on final. I had some problems in the beginning to control the aircraft but got used to it very quickly, although I found the pressures I had to use on the controls quite tiring. In the end I managed a reasonable landing in Insbruck. The third time I already had FSX and a saitek yoke system, and again a fix-base 737NG with a real-life pilot behind me but not at the yoke. Instead my mate, who has no idea about flying, operated the flaps and some switches on demand. Well, I nailed every landing, even an ILS cat II, although I overrun the runway on that one. But to get back to the original question: I think a simmer will be able to get an aircraft going, but anyone taking possesion of an aircraft without proper license should be shot I do also think that if the right person (ie reasonably experienced simmer with yoke system) is on board of a plane without crew there's a good chance the plane will make it to the ground without injuries.
  7. European Virtual Airlines neither requires a check-ride, nor a minimum of flight hours nor a minimum amount of hours to get into the 737 or 777 It's a very laid-back airline! You can choose to either fly scheduled flights or use the charter system, where you can choose what aircraft you fly, what you transport (pax or cargo) and where to. hope to see you at http://european.virtualairlines.eu
  8. Hello pilots, European Virtual Airlines is proud to announce a unique charter and cargo system which you will find at no other virtual airline: Flying for European Virtual Charter (EVX) not only requires good airmanship, it also calls on your entrepreneurial skills. The challenge is to maximize profit by transporting the right cargo to the right destination, in an aircraft that's suitable for the job. And just like in real life, the goods need to be delivered in time. The way it works, In a nutshell, is that you visit the virtual "warehouse" at the desired airport, and assess the cargo and passengers available there. Some of these will create revenue, and some won't, depending on which aircraft you want to use. So the challenge is to pick the right cargo, load it in the right aircraft and deliver it to the destination. New loads are generated daily, so no two flights will ever be the same. To learn more about the charter system, click here. here is a sceenshot of the warehouse at Moscow Sheremetyevo: The fleet for EVX is largely the same as the existing European Virtual Airlines fleet, but with some additions: there is a 777 and 747 freighter, and a 747 combi which transports both passengers and goods. The Airbus A321, A340, and the passenger-B777 are also capable of transporting containers. New in the fleet is the Airbus A330-200F, and the ATR72/42 freighter is being considered for short hauls. I'm hoping to see some of you around, hauling cargo through the European skies!
  9. Dear pilots, European Virtual Airlines is proud to announce the addition of 17 new destinations in the "new world": We already flew to New York, Miami and St. Maarten, but as of today we have added the following airports: Vancouver (CYVR) Montreal (CYUL) Mexico City (MMMX) Nassau (MYNN) Buenos Aires (SABE) Rio de Janeiro (SBGL) Quito (SEQU) San Juan (TJSJ) Atlanta (KATL) Baltimore-Washington (KBWI) Indianapolis (KIND) Los Angeles (KLAX) Portland (KPDX) Phoenix (KPHX) Chicago O'hare (KORD) San Diego (KSAN) Salt Lake City (KSLC) Because the "core business" of EVA will always remain in Europe, there will be no new hubs. All the American flights are long-haul (between 3 and 12 hours) and hence flown with the Airbus A340, Boeing 777 and 747. Those who want to fly between any of these airports with a smaller aircraft, you are welcome to file them as a charter flight. European Virtual Airlines (EVA) operates a fleet of 9 different aircraft between Gatwick, Munich and 80 other destinations. We have an extensive ranking system with awards for things like flying to difficult airports, passing an exam or flying online on Vatsim. For more info, click on the picture below to get to our website:
  10. Hi Firby, Not sure if you are still looking to join a VA, but european virtual airlines always welcomes new staff. We are, as the name implies, a european airline, although we also fly to America and some places in the middle east and Africa. Both the Boeings 737 and 747 are part of our fleet of 9 different aircraft. And since you seem to be in Finland: Helsinki is also one of our airports Come and have a look at http://european.virtualairlines.eu and sign up if you like. Looking forward seeing you! Mike Bravo
  11. Hello I just signed up, but I wasn't allowed to use my own email address with the domain name I own. I ended up signing with my mailbox address (like gmail, yahoo etc) which I really don't want. I tried to then change the email adress in my settings but it says the email address is in use, which is nonsense. why can't I use my own domain name's email address?
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