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About calcajun

  • Birthday 12/04/1942

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  1. Thanks guys for the help. I found a file in the FSX file that is a uninstall for the CRJ NextGen. I think that I will just hand fly the thing till Areosoft comes out with its CRJ. The aircraft seams to fly fine if you don't turn autopilot..
  2. How do I delete Wilco CRJ 700 from FSX. I am running windows 10 and this add on is terrible. I have never seed a autothrottle work so poorly. I should have looked at the forums before buying this. Can I use the windows delete or do I need to manually delete some files ?
  3. Thanks for all the help guys. I bet when FSX 2020 comes out it will have all the updates.
  4. Is there any thing out there that will update the sids stars and Ils in the FSX flight planer? I have navigraph to up date PMDG Majestic and FS build. I dont think it up date FSX. Thanks for the help.
  5. I have tried a suggestion from the form to hit the 2 a split second after the Shift +E but I cant get it to work the only door I can get to work is the main cabin door.
  6. How do I delete the Pacific Northwest. Every time I fly over Portland Or. with the PMDG 737-800 the flight sim crashes. When iI run the uninstaller in win 7 obrx does not show up. When I look through the folder I see three folders for PN. Can I delete the folders and then reinstall PN ? Thanks for the help.
  7. What 2 files need to be removed and where are they located?
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