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About xpdevs

  • Birthday 11/12/1971

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  1. Nice little glider airport from truscenery... http://www.truscenery.com/index.php/online-store/product/39-truscenery-efry-raeyskaelae-airport
  2. I wouldn't install any extra modifications. For example, FSL will have their own custom module for this in the A320-X... then again, this is one of the PITAs in FSX/P3D. Once these start coming out for X-Plane, there will be much more flexibility on the dev side of things.
  3. As this is a conventional procedure, I would just fly the initial climbout on raw data and let the FMS take over once the discrepancy no longer exists.
  4. True. You wouldn't get a private licence without knowing how a VOR works.
  5. What do you think about the new Aerowinx 747 Precision Sim?
  6. A lot of the dynamics can be replicated. A good mix of parametric (FS/P3D) and computationak/generative (XP) is usually the way to go to simulate an existing aircraft type. This is what A2A/PMDG do, and what IXEG will do with their 737-300. The plain-vanilla BET model by default in XP was intended to predict flight characteristics that were unknown -- it takes a set of physical descriptors of the airframe to model the pressure distribution dynamics in an estimative fashion -- correct trend & magnitude, or "thereabouts". Therefore the hybrid BET/parametric approach makes sense, with the BET compensating for the weak spots of the traditional approach, when the airframe to be simulated is well known, as it usually is for our purposes -- we're not building experimentals after all.
  7. Hello, Are the PMDG manuals shipped from the states, such that EU residents will be subject to tax? Ilari Kousa
  8. New release from truscenery ... http://www.truscenery.com/index.php/online-store/product/37-truscenery-efjo-joensuu-airport
  9. Amazing the depth to which PMDG models stuff! Ilari Kousa
  10. Just as a note, unlike FSX, X-Plane does support "core" navdata updates via Navigraph!
  11. Here is homecockpit video where´s installed this head shake pluking.
  12. Hi, In TruScenery page, you can download Europe +060+020 area. http://www.truscenery.com/ Thanks you very much Andras !
  13. Plus, in the post 9/11, photography permits for U.S. airports are expensive. The U.S. airports will come, but not yet.
  14. If they manage to optimise it well, FPS will be no problem. XP and FSX are entirely different rendering-wise.
  15. Hi guys, Informing that the Truscenery has released a new version of Tampere-Pirkkala Airport v1.2. Full change log v1.2 Better shades for orthophotos. Orthophoto cars deleted. More DDS format textures. Includes the latest Ground Traffic pluking v1.3 Improved the Finland trees New models for Weather Stations and sensors. Added stand location sign for stand B1 Added OH-XRT (Selfmade Aircraft) street painting. A few bugs fixed. More rampstarts for General Aviation Airport fences adjusted to better match reality http://www.truscenery.com/index.php/9-x-plane-articles/29-tampere-pirkkala-airport-1-2-released
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