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About mrrcflying

  • Birthday 06/20/1974

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  1. Just give me the wink. LOL I was hoping to get in the Alpha, having the cockpit and all, but they never came calling. So I will be patiently waiting for another month.
  2. I see. Well, that kind of dashes my hopes. I was just assuming it was there already based on the discovery video. If not, they are running out of time to implement it for the release.
  3. Pete, According to the Feature Discovery episode 4 it will have multi screen support at launch. I hope they have individual camera placement as well, as that would make it much easier. Go to about 3:00 in the video and he talks about cockpit builders, and multi screen support. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=198&v=eLcSNppK14k&feature=emb_logo
  4. Will do! I want to do some videos when I have FS2020 up and running. The graphics look stunning, I just hope the performance is real.
  5. Dave, Thanks for all the great work you put into P2ATC. It is much appreciated, and I am looking forward to trying it out with FS2020. I have been using it on my home built cockpit, and it adds a lot. Here is a video of the cockpit from about a year ago. I had a little problems with P2ATC at the time, but I think it is all worked out now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ec9rCg8HhEI&t=764s
  6. Are there any plans to implement Pilot2ATC in the new MS Flight Simulator. I love it in x-plane. Not sure if I could fly without it.
  7. I missed that link. That is great to hear! Looking forward to getting it. Now just to get AirManager working on it, and I will be all set. I hope it performs and looks as good as the videos!
  8. Has anyone heard if there will be multi monitor support when FS2020 comes out? I am really looking forward to it. 3 monitor support is a must for me though because of my cockpit setup. I am running XP11 right now, but I had to do a lot to get things to look right. Getting tired of mucking with addons to get it to look good though. Multi monitor, with adjustable camera positions for each monitor would make things soooo much easier. Here is a video of my cockpit from about a year ago. I have done more since then, but have not done a video lately. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ec9rCg8HhEI&t=764s
  9. Sure thing JJ! Getting ready for supper, after, I will be happy to share all info I can. 🙂 OK, back now. Simple supper of hot dogs and homemade meat sauce. Not too bad... Any specifics you would like to know, feel free to ask. The computer is an i7 7700K, overclocked about 15%, 16GB of RAM, and a GTX 1080 11GB video card. I have thought about using 2 computers running 2 copies of XP, but have not tried it yet. The main monitor is new. It is an RCA 58". I understand RCA is now a Canadian owned company, an it is made in China. In fact when I first powered it up the setup screen said 'ELEMENT', which I know is a Chinese TV. Probably just slapped an RCA label on it. It was a steal though on Walmart.com for $299 and free shipping. The side monitors are ones I had, one is a Insignia, the other a Spectrum. Both 32", and both fairly inexpensive, but they seem to work well. Color correction between them was the most difficult part. The panel is made by Diagma. Pricey, but worth it for the looks and functions. I am using Air Manager the instruments, except for the Garmins, which are the default XP pop out Garmins. Yoke is the Saitek Proflight yoke, with rubber band mods done on it. I am using the one Siatek throttle quadrant for flaps only. The TPM is a GoFlight, and I have a Desktop Aviator switch pannel mounted below the yoke for the lights and avionics. Rudder petals were a set of Logitech that used the old game style connector. Ripped apart a cheap joystick, and used the controls from that hooked into the Pots on the pedals. That also left me with an extra channel, so I 3d printed a trim wheel, and rigged it up with a 10 turn Pot. Mounted it under the TPM, and it works great. I think that about covers the hardware and software. If you have anything specific, ask away!
  10. Sitting in front of the panel, it actually looks pretty good. The camera may have been positioned so it looks a little off, not sure. Also, the instruments have to line up with the holes in the panel, so too much movement cuts off the edges from view.
  11. I don't post much here, so if this is the wrong forum, please feel free to move it. Here is a video of my nearly finished cockpit, based on XP11. Let me know your thought for improvement! 🙂 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ec9rCg8HhEI&t=724s
  12. Dave, not sure how to post the log file here, so here is a cut and paste. I am pretty sure this was the one. Program StartedPilot 2 ATC (P2A) - version 03/20/2019 11:05:20 Application frmP2AMain starting 03/20/2019 11:05:42 Loading Form Main form opened: Pilot2ATC 2018 v. Navigraph - AIRAC cycle: 1801 Loading Joystick Devices - 9 devices loaded. Loading Joystick Devices - 9 devices loaded. Loading Joystick Devices - 9 devices loaded. Loading Joystick Devices - 9 devices loaded. Loading Map Control LoadMapControl: panel 1 Creating ucMap1 SQLiteVersion: | 2015-07-29 20:00:57 cf538e2783e468bbc25e7cb2a9ee64d3e0e80b2f | INTEROP_CODEC INTEROP_EXTENSION_FUNCTIONS INTEROP_VIRTUAL_TABLE NET_40 PRELOAD_NATIVE_LIBRARY THROW_ON_DISPOSED TRACE TRACE_PRELOAD TRACE_SHARED TRACE_WARNING USE_PREPARE_V2 WINDOWS ucMap1 Created ucMap DockFill set. Setting Map Mode Done Loading Map Control Loading FPL Control FPL Control Loaded Retrieving weather from web successful at 03/20/2019 11:05:51 Retrieving TAF from web successful at 03/20/2019 11:05:51 Loading Joystick Devices - 9 devices loaded. Loading Joystick Devices - 9 devices loaded. Loading Joystick Devices - 9 devices loaded. Loading Joystick Devices - 9 devices loaded. Joystick Device number 8 successfully activated. Joystick Device number 0 successfully activated. Joystick Device number 0 successfully activated. Joystick Device number 8 successfully activated. Pilot2ATC_2018.exe Information 0 SAPI does not implement phonetic alphabet selection. at System.Environment.GetStackTrace(Exception e, Boolean needFileInfo) at System.Environment.get_StackTrace() at System.Diagnostics.TraceEventCache.get_Callstack() at Microsoft.VisualBasic.Logging.FileLogTraceListener.TraceEvent(TraceEventCache eventCache, String source, TraceEventType eventType, Int32 id, String message) at System.Diagnostics.TraceInternal.TraceEvent(TraceEventType eventType, Int32 id, String format, Object[] args) at System.Speech.Recognition.RecognizerBase.Initialize(SapiRecognizer recognizer, Boolean inproc) at System.Speech.Recognition.SpeechRecognitionEngine.get_RecoBase() at P2A_2018.ATCListener.LoadPilotGrammar() at P2A_2018.ATCListener.Init() at P2A_2018.frmP2AMain.e() at P2A_2018.frmP2AMain.f() at P2A_2018.frmP2AMain.at(Object A_0, EventArgs A_1) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam) at System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.DispatchMessageW(MSG& msg) at System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.DispatchMessageW(MSG& msg) at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ComponentManager.System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.IMsoComponentManager.FPushMessageLoop(IntPtr dwComponentID, Int32 reason, Int32 pvLoopData) at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoopInner(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context) at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoop(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context) at j.a() "" 5232 1 241604668325 SIM Version Num: 8; SIM Version: XP New Com1 Stby Freq: 121.1 No controller assigned 11:07:09 ControllerFreqChanged: 121.9. CtlrShrtName: KELM Gnd CtlrType: Ground11:07:11 SIM Rate Changed: 1 Sim Connected: 03/20/2019 11:07:11 ATCAssignsSIDs: True ATCAssignsSTARs: True ForceSTARAssignment: False ATCAssignsAPPRs: True ForcePilotRunwaySelection: True AutoLoadRecommendedProcedures: True AssignedRunway: RW24 - No controller assigned 11:09:04 ControllerFreqChanged: 121.9. CtlrShrtName: KELM Gnd CtlrType: Ground11:09:05 New Com1 Stby Freq: 125.1 Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 125.1. CtlrShrtName: None Found; CtlrType: None Found11:09:30 New Com1 Stby Freq: 125.46 Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 125.46. CtlrShrtName: None Found; CtlrType: None Found11:09:39 New Com1 Stby Freq: 125.475 Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 125.475. CtlrShrtName: None Found; CtlrType: None Found11:09:40 New Com1 Stby Freq: 125.475 Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 125.475. CtlrShrtName: None Found; CtlrType: None Found11:09:41 No controller assigned 11:09:43 ControllerFreqChanged: 125.47. CtlrShrtName: KELM ATIS CtlrType: ATIS11:09:43 New Com1 Stby Freq: 121.9 Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 121.9. CtlrShrtName: None Found; CtlrType: None Found11:09:45 New Com1 Stby Freq: 121.9 Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 121.9. CtlrShrtName: None Found; CtlrType: None Found11:09:45 No controller assigned 11:10:21 ControllerFreqChanged: 121.9. CtlrShrtName: KELM Gnd CtlrType: Ground11:10:21 New Com1 Stby Freq: 125.475 Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 125.475. CtlrShrtName: None Found; CtlrType: None Found11:10:22 New Com1 Stby Freq: 125.475 Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 125.475. CtlrShrtName: None Found; CtlrType: None Found11:10:23 InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 03/20/2019 11:10:26 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 11:10:26 Started Listening UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 03/20/2019 11:10:31 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 11:10:31 Recognized Speech: ELMIRA Ground Cessna Five Tango Lima Ready to Taxi One Zero 11:10:31 Stopped Listening HandleTaxiRequest 11:10:31 AssignedRunway: RW10 - State Changed to: TaxiOut 11:10 ControllerChanging: False : 03/20/2019 11:10:31 Trigger checks started: 03/20/2019 11:10:32 InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Cessna Five Tango Lima Taxi to Runway One Zero Via taxiways Alpha, Hold Short Runway One Zero 03/20/2019 11:10:32 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 11:10:32 ATC Speak: Cessna Five Tango Lima Taxi to Runway One Zero Via taxiways Alpha, Hold Short Runway One Zero11:10:32 Sug Resp: ~ Taxi to Runway One Zero Via taxiways Alpha, Hold Short Runway One Zero11:10:32 OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 03/20/2019 11:10:36 UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~ Taxi to Runway One Zero Via taxiways Alpha, Hold Short Runway One Zero Cessna Five Tango Lima 03/20/2019 11:10:36 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 11:10:36 No controller assigned 11:10:37 ControllerFreqChanged: 121.9. CtlrShrtName: KELM Gnd CtlrType: Ground11:10:37 InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 03/20/2019 11:10:50 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 11:10:50 Started Listening UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 03/20/2019 11:10:55 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 11:10:55 Recognized Speech: ELMIRA Tower Cessna Five Tango Lima Ready Taxi One Zero 11:10:55 Stopped Listening HandleTaxiRequest 11:10:55 AssignedRunway: RW10 - ControllerChanging: False : 03/20/2019 11:11:00 InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Cessna Five Tango Lima Taxi to Runway One Zero Via taxiways Alpha, Hold Short Runway One Zero 03/20/2019 11:11:00 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 11:11:00 ATC Speak: Cessna Five Tango Lima Taxi to Runway One Zero Via taxiways Alpha, Hold Short Runway One Zero11:11:00 Sug Resp: ~ Taxi to Runway One Zero Via taxiways Alpha, Hold Short Runway One Zero11:11:00 OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 03/20/2019 11:11:09 UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~ Taxi to Runway One Zero Via taxiways Alpha, Hold Short Runway One Zero Cessna Five Tango Lima 03/20/2019 11:11:09 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 11:11:09 InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 03/20/2019 11:11:10 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 11:11:10 Started Listening Recognized Speech: Taxi to Runway One Zero Zero Five Hold Short Runway One Zero 11:11:16 UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 03/20/2019 11:11:17 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 11:11:17 Recognized Speech: Five Tango Lima 11:11:17 Stopped Listening HandleTaxiClearanceReadback 11:11:18 New Com1 Stby Freq: 136.475 Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 136.475. CtlrShrtName: None Found; CtlrType: None Found11:12:08 New Com1 Stby Freq: 122.475 Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 122.475. CtlrShrtName: None Found; CtlrType: None Found11:12:09 New Com1 Stby Freq: 121.475 Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 121.475. CtlrShrtName: None Found; CtlrType: None Found11:12:12 New Com1 Stby Freq: 121.39 Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 121.39. CtlrShrtName: None Found; CtlrType: None Found11:12:15 New Com1 Stby Freq: 121.35 Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 121.35. CtlrShrtName: None Found; CtlrType: None Found11:12:17 New Com1 Stby Freq: 121.31 Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 121.31. CtlrShrtName: None Found; CtlrType: None Found11:12:19 New Com1 Stby Freq: 121.26 Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 121.26. CtlrShrtName: None Found; CtlrType: None Found11:12:20 New Com1 Stby Freq: 121.23 Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 121.23. CtlrShrtName: None Found; CtlrType: None Found11:12:21 State Changed to: AtDepartureRunway 11:12 RespondToFlightTrigger 11:12:25 Trigger:ArriveAtDepartureRunway RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 11:12:25 Trigger:ArriveAtDepartureRunway rOnArrivedAtDepartureRunway 11:12:25 SpokenRandomSalutation 11:12:25 InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Cessna Five Tango Lima Contact Tower on One Two One Point One, have a nice flight 03/20/2019 11:12:25 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 11:12:25 ControllerChanging: True : 03/20/2019 11:12:25 ATC Speak: Cessna Five Tango Lima Contact Tower on One Two One Point One, have a nice flight 11:12:25 Sug Resp: ~Tower on One Two One Point One11:12:25 New Com1 Stby Freq: 121.11 Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 121.11. CtlrShrtName: KELM Twr CtlrType: Tower11:12:25 New Com1 Stby Freq: 121.11 Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 121.11. CtlrShrtName: KELM Twr CtlrType: Tower11:12:26 New Com1 Stby Freq: 121.1 Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 121.1. CtlrShrtName: KELM Twr CtlrType: Tower11:12:27 OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 03/20/2019 11:12:33 UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Tower on One Two One Point One Cessna Five Tango Lima 03/20/2019 11:12:33 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 11:12:33 InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 03/20/2019 11:12:34 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 11:12:34 Started Listening UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 03/20/2019 11:12:36 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 11:12:36 Recognized Speech: have a good day Five Tango Lima 11:12:36 Stopped Listening AssignedController: 121.1. CtlrShrtName: KELM Twr CtlrType: Tower11:12:39 ControllerFreqChanged: 121.1. CtlrShrtName: KELM Twr CtlrType: Tower11:12:39 New Com1 Stby Freq: 121.9 Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 121.9. CtlrShrtName: None Found; CtlrType: None Found11:12:40 New Com1 Stby Freq: 121.9 Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 121.9. CtlrShrtName: None Found; CtlrType: None Found11:12:41 InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 03/20/2019 11:13:15 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 11:13:15 Started Listening UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 03/20/2019 11:13:21 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 11:13:21 Recognized Speech: ELMIRA Tower Cessna Five Tango Lima Ready for Departure Runway One Zero 11:13:21 Stopped Listening HandleTakeoffRequest 11:13:21 AssignedRunway: RW10 - State Changed to: ClearedForTakeoff 11:13 SpeakAltimeterSetting 11:13:26 State Changed to: TakeoffVFR 11:13 ControllerChanging: False : 03/20/2019 11:13:28 InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Cessna Five Tango Lima Whinds are calm Altimeter Three Zero Two Niner Cleared for takeoff, Runway One Zero 03/20/2019 11:13:28 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 11:13:28 ATC Speak: Cessna Five Tango Lima Whinds are calm Altimeter Three Zero Two Niner Cleared for takeoff, Runway One Zero11:13:28 Sug Resp: ~Cleared for takeoff, Runway One Zero11:13:28 OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 03/20/2019 11:13:36 UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Cleared for takeoff, Runway One Zero Cessna Five Tango Lima 03/20/2019 11:13:36 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 11:13:36 InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 03/20/2019 11:13:38 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 11:13:38 Started Listening UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 03/20/2019 11:13:40 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 11:13:40 Recognized Speech: Cleared for Takeoff Five Tango Lima 11:13:40 Stopped Listening HandleTakeoffClearanceReadback 11:13:40 RespondToFlightTrigger 11:17:54 Trigger:ReachedTowerRadius RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 11:17:54 Trigger:ReachedTowerRadius rOnTowerRadiusReached 11:17:54 SpokenRandomSalutation 11:17:54 State Changed to: DepartureVFR 11:17 InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Cessna Five Tango Lima enjoy your morning , frequency change approved. 03/20/2019 11:17:54 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 11:17:54 ATC Speak: Cessna Five Tango Lima enjoy your morning , frequency change approved. 11:17:54 Sug Resp: 11:17:54 OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 03/20/2019 11:17:59 UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Cleared for takeoff, Runway One Zero Cessna Five Tango Lima 03/20/2019 11:17:59 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 11:17:59 InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 03/20/2019 11:18:00 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 11:18:00 Started Listening UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 03/20/2019 11:18:02 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 11:18:02 Recognized Speech: then goodday Five Tango Lima 11:18:02 Stopped Listening InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 03/20/2019 11:20:15 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 11:20:15 Started Listening UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 03/20/2019 11:20:21 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 11:20:21 Recognized Speech: ELMIRA Tower Cessna Five Tango Lima Inbound To Three Thousand Zero Feet a Landing 11:20:21 Stopped Listening HandleInitialContact 11:20:21 SpokenRandomGreeting 11:20:21 HandleInitialTowerContact 11:20:21 CheckSquawkCode 11:20:21 SpeakAltimeterSetting 11:20:21 SpeakAltimeterSetting 11:20:21 AssignedRunway: RW24 - SetUpPatternEntryApproach 11:20:24 AssignedRunway: RW10 - AssignedAPPR: VFRPattern - - VFR Pattern RW10 - ATC FlightPlan Changed FltPlan ActiveAPPR: VFRPattern - - VFR Pattern RW10 - NewNextWpt: RunwayMidpoint - 11:20:27 State Changed to: VFRArrival 11:20 NewNextWpt: RunwayMidpoint - 11:20:27 FltPlan ActiveAPPR: VFRPattern - - VFR Pattern RW10 - InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Cessna Five Tango Lima good morning . Squawk One Two Zero Zero Enter pattern on a Left downwind for Runway One Zero. call downwind 03/20/2019 11:20:27 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 11:20:27 ATC Speak: Cessna Five Tango Lima good morning . Squawk One Two Zero Zero Enter pattern on a Left downwind for Runway One Zero. call downwind 11:20:27 Sug Resp: ~ Enter pattern on a Left downwind for Runway One Zero11:20:27 OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 03/20/2019 11:20:38 UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~ Enter pattern on a Left downwind for Runway One Zero Cessna Five Tango Lima 03/20/2019 11:20:38 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 11:20:38 Retrieving weather from web successful at 03/20/2019 11:20:54 Retrieving TAF from web successful at 03/20/2019 11:21:05 InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 03/20/2019 11:23:24 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 11:23:24 Started Listening UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 03/20/2019 11:23:27 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 11:23:27 Recognized Speech: Downwind Runway One Zero Five Tango Lima 11:23:27 Stopped Listening HandleDownwindContact 11:23:27 State Changed to: LandingPattern 11:23 SpeakAltimeterSetting 11:23:27 InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Five Tango Lima Call turning final for Runway One Zero 03/20/2019 11:23:27 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 11:23:27 ATC Speak: Five Tango Lima Call turning final for Runway One Zero11:23:28 Sug Resp: 11:23:28 OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 03/20/2019 11:23:32 UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~ Enter pattern on a Left downwind for Runway One Zero Cessna Five Tango Lima 03/20/2019 11:23:32 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 11:23:32 SetNearestActiveWaypoint-A: LetDownStart NewATCWpt: LetDownStart SetNearestActiveWaypoint-A: LetDownStart SetNearestActiveWaypoint-A: LetDownStart SetNearestActiveWaypoint-A: LetDownStart SetNearestActiveWaypoint-A: LetDownStart SetNearestActiveWaypoint-A: LetDownStart SetNearestActiveWaypoint-A: LetDownStart SetNearestActiveWaypoint-A: LetDownStart SetNearestActiveWaypoint-A: LetDownStart SetNearestActiveWaypoint-A: LetDownStart SetNearestActiveWaypoint-A: LetDownStart SetNearestActiveWaypoint-A: LetDownStart SetNearestActiveWaypoint-A: LetDownStart SetNearestActiveWaypoint-A: LetDownStart SetNearestActiveWaypoint-A: LetDownStart SetNearestActiveWaypoint-A: LetDownStart InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 03/20/2019 11:25:41 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 11:25:41 Started Listening SetNearestActiveWaypoint-A: LetDownStart SetNearestActiveWaypoint-A: LetDownStart SetNearestActiveWaypoint-A: LetDownStart UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 03/20/2019 11:25:44 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 11:25:44 Recognized Speech: turning Final for Runway One Zero Five Tango Lima 11:25:44 Stopped Listening HandleOnFinalContact 11:25:44 State Changed to: ClearedToLand 11:25 InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Five Tango Lima Whinds are calm Cleared to Land Runway One Zero 03/20/2019 11:25:44 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 11:25:44 ATC Speak: Five Tango Lima Whinds are calm Cleared to Land Runway One Zero11:25:44 Sug Resp: ~Cleared to land runway One Zero 11:25:44 SetNearestActiveWaypoint-A: LetDownStart SetNearestActiveWaypoint-A: LetDownStart SetNearestActiveWaypoint-A: LetDownStart OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 03/20/2019 11:25:49 UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Cleared to land runway One Zero Cessna Five Tango Lima 03/20/2019 11:25:49 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 11:25:49 RespondToFlightTrigger 11:26:02 Trigger:Reached1MileFinal RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 11:26:02 Trigger:Reached1MileFinal rOnReached1MileFinal 11:26:02 NewATCWpt: RunwayMidpoint NewGPSWpt: RunwayMidpoint RespondToFlightTrigger 11:26:36 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 11:26:36 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnNextApproachWaypointReached 11:26:36 NewATCWpt: LetDownStart NewATCWpt: RunwayMidpoint NewGPSWpt: RunwayMidpoint RespondToFlightTrigger 11:26:37 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 11:26:37 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnNextApproachWaypointReached 11:26:37 NewATCWpt: LetDownStart NewATCWpt: RunwayMidpoint NewGPSWpt: RunwayMidpoint RespondToFlightTrigger 11:26:38 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 11:26:38 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnNextApproachWaypointReached 11:26:38 NewATCWpt: LetDownStart NewATCWpt: RunwayMidpoint NewGPSWpt: RunwayMidpoint RespondToFlightTrigger 11:26:39 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 11:26:39 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnNextApproachWaypointReached 11:26:39 NewATCWpt: LetDownStart NewATCWpt: RunwayMidpoint NewGPSWpt: RunwayMidpoint RespondToFlightTrigger 11:26:40 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 11:26:40 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnNextApproachWaypointReached 11:26:40 NewATCWpt: LetDownStart NewATCWpt: RunwayMidpoint NewGPSWpt: RunwayMidpoint RespondToFlightTrigger 11:26:41 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 11:26:41 Trigger:ReachedNextApproachWaypoint rOnNextApproachWaypointReached 11:26:41 NewATCWpt: LetDownStart RespondToFlightTrigger 11:26:41 Trigger:LandingTouchdown RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 11:26:41 Trigger:LandingTouchdown rOnAircraftTouchdown 11:26:41 State Changed to: LandingRoll 11:26 State Changed to: Initialized 11:26 InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Cessna Five Tango Lima exit runway when able. 03/20/2019 11:26:41 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 11:26:41 ATC Speak: Cessna Five Tango Lima exit runway when able. 11:26:41 Sug Resp: ~Clear of Active 11:26:41 OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 03/20/2019 11:26:45 UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Clear of Active Cessna Five Tango Lima 03/20/2019 11:26:45 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 11:26:45 InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 03/20/2019 11:28:00 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 11:28:00 Started Listening UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 03/20/2019 11:28:03 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 11:28:03 Recognized Speech: Five Tango Lima is clear of Active 11:28:03 Stopped Listening HandleClearOfActive 11:28:03 State Changed to: TaxiIn 11:28 SpokenRandomSalutation 11:28:03 InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Cessna Five Tango LimaFive Tango Lima Welcome to ELMIRA CORNING REGL contact ground on One Two One Point Niner, have a good stay 03/20/2019 11:28:04 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 11:28:04 ATC Speak: Cessna Five Tango LimaFive Tango Lima Welcome to ELMIRA CORNING REGL contact ground on One Two One Point Niner, have a good stay 11:28:04 Sug Resp: ~Ground on One Two One Point Niner 11:28:04 NewATCWpt: RunwayMidpoint OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 03/20/2019 11:28:13 UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Ground on One Two One Point Niner Cessna Five Tango Lima 03/20/2019 11:28:13 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 11:28:13 InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 03/20/2019 11:28:13 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 11:28:13 Started Listening UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 03/20/2019 11:28:15 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 11:28:15 Recognized Speech: have a good day Five Tango Lima 11:28:15 Stopped Listening AssignedController: 121.9. CtlrShrtName: KELM Gnd CtlrType: Ground11:28:18 ControllerFreqChanged: 121.9. CtlrShrtName: KELM Gnd CtlrType: Ground11:28:18 New Com1 Stby Freq: 121.1 Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 121.1. CtlrShrtName: KELM Twr CtlrType: Tower11:28:19 New Com1 Stby Freq: 121.1 Com1StandbyFreqChanged: 121.1. CtlrShrtName: KELM Twr CtlrType: Tower11:28:19 InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 03/20/2019 11:28:19 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 11:28:19 Started Listening UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 03/20/2019 11:28:26 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 11:28:26 Stopped Listening InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 03/20/2019 11:28:45 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 11:28:45 Started Listening UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 03/20/2019 11:28:48 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 11:28:48 Recognized Speech: ELMIRA Ground Cessna Five Tango Lima 11:28:48 Stopped Listening OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 03/20/2019 11:28:53 UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes: 03/20/2019 11:28:53 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 11:28:53 InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 03/20/2019 11:28:53 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 11:28:53 Started Listening UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 03/20/2019 11:28:58 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 11:28:58 Recognized Speech: Request Taxi to General Aviation Parking going around 11:28:58 Stopped Listening OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 03/20/2019 11:29:03 UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes: 03/20/2019 11:29:03 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 11:29:03 InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 03/20/2019 11:29:04 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 11:29:04 Started Listening UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 03/20/2019 11:29:10 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 11:29:10 Recognized Speech: Request Taxi to General Aviation Area Cessna Five Tango Lima 11:29:10 Stopped Listening HandleTaxiRequest 11:29:10 ControllerChanging: False : 03/20/2019 11:29:13 InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Cessna Five Tango Lima Taxi to General Aviation Parking Via taxiways Charlie, Alpha, Hold Short Runway Zero Six 03/20/2019 11:29:13 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 11:29:13 ATC Speak: Cessna Five Tango Lima Taxi to General Aviation Parking Via taxiways Charlie, Alpha, Hold Short Runway Zero Six11:29:13 Sug Resp: ~ Taxi to General Aviation Parking Via taxiways Charlie, Alpha, Hold Short Runway Zero Six11:29:13 OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 03/20/2019 11:29:24 UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~ Taxi to General Aviation Parking Via taxiways Charlie, Alpha, Hold Short Runway Zero Six Cessna Five Tango Lima 03/20/2019 11:29:24 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 11:29:24 InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 03/20/2019 11:29:26 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 11:29:26 Started Listening UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 03/20/2019 11:29:31 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 11:29:31 Stopped Listening InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 03/20/2019 11:29:32 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 11:29:32 Started Listening UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 03/20/2019 11:29:34 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 11:29:34 Recognized Speech: Five Tango Lima 11:29:34 Stopped Listening RespondToFlightTrigger 11:29:49 Trigger:ArrivedAtCrossRunwayHoldPt RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 11:29:49 Trigger:ArrivedAtCrossRunwayHoldPt rOnArrivedAtCrossRunwayHoldPt 11:29:49 InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Cessna Five Tango Lima Hold short Runway Zero Six 03/20/2019 11:29:54 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 11:29:54 ATC Speak: Cessna Five Tango Lima Hold short Runway Zero Six11:29:55 Sug Resp: ~Hold short Runway Zero Six11:29:55 OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 03/20/2019 11:30:00 UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Hold short Runway Zero Six Cessna Five Tango Lima 03/20/2019 11:30:00 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 11:30:00 RespondToFlightTrigger 11:30:39 Trigger:ClearedToCrossRunway RespondToFlightTriggerValidated 11:30:39 Trigger:ClearedToCrossRunway rOnClearToCrossRunway 11:30:39 InterruptAudio in SayPhrase Cessna Five Tango Lima Clear to cross runway Zero Six 03/20/2019 11:30:39 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 11:30:39 ATC Speak: Cessna Five Tango Lima Clear to cross runway Zero Six11:30:40 Sug Resp: ~Cleared to Cross Runway Zero Six11:30:40 OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped 03/20/2019 11:30:45 UnInterruptAudio in OnTTSWavePlaybackStopped SugRes:~Cleared to Cross Runway Zero Six Cessna Five Tango Lima 03/20/2019 11:30:45 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 11:30:45 InterruptAudio in OnPilotSpeaking 03/20/2019 11:30:47 AudioInterrupts: 1 in InterruptAudio 11:30:47 Started Listening UnInterruptAudio in OnPilotEndSpeaking 03/20/2019 11:30:51 AudioInterrupts: 0 in UnInterruptAudio 11:30:51 Recognized Speech: cleared to cross Runway Zero Six Five Tango Lima 11:30:51 Stopped Listening HandleCrossRunwayReadback 11:30:51 State Changed to: Initialized 11:32 The SIM or FSUIPC/XPUIPC stopped functioning and P2A is Disconnected. modGlobalSpeech PlaySystemSound Error: NAudio.MmException: InvalidHandle calling waveOutPrepareHeader at NAudio.Wave.WaveOutBuffer..ctor(IntPtr hWaveOut, Int32 bufferSize, IWaveProvider bufferFillStream, Object waveOutLock) at NAudio.Wave.WaveOutEvent.Init(IWaveProvider waveProvider) at P2A_2018.modGlobalSpeech.PlaySystemSound(String wav) The SIM or FSUIPC/XPUIPC stopped functioning and P2A is Disconnected. The SIM or FSUIPC/XPUIPC stopped functioning and P2A is Disconnected.
  13. I am not sure if this is my problem, a computer/network problem, or a P2A problem. Any insight would be appreciated. For some reason P2A will stop responding, and at other times it will respond incorrectly. When it stops responding, if I disconnect and reconnect it seems to work again for a while. Also, if I close X-Plane before closing P2A, the P2A window goes away. No window, no icon in the tray, and it does not show up in task manager. If I try to re-launch P2A it says an instance is already running. I have to reboot the PC to clear it. I did a video yesterday of me in the sim. If you want to take a look, the issues start happening about the 17 minute mark, and continue through taxi to parking. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ec9rCg8HhEI&t=453s
  14. I tested again this morning, all was well. ATIS and Ground both worked. I also got response from Departure. So in all, the more I play with it the better it seems to work. Not sure why it was doing what it was doing. I will keep playing with it and let you know if it crops up again. Thanks for looking into it! And thanks for the great product. Andrew
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