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Posts posted by Mo45

  1. The 980 doesn't even justify it's name, looking like it's two generations ahead of the 700 series yet both the series flagship cards perform the same! Are you kidding? Neither cards will get my money. The GTX 780 ti and 980 are neck and neck, and I expected it to perform a bit better. 4K is still way to difficult for a single graphics card to handle, maxing out your game settings with 4k will leave you @ under 40 fps. I am looking forward to a possible 980 ti, or an early 2015 release of their next 14 nm process. Although, I do realize the features the 980 brings, but is it really THAT compelling? In my opinion, not at all. Unless you have a 500 series card, don't even bother.

  2. Gah, this means that I'm going to struggle for quite some time! I'll do my best!


    Take good advice from John Tavendale, he use to repaint for PMDG long time ago and he is one of the best .




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