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Posts posted by Mo45

  1. I have this problem on final approach. Nose is bob up and down. At first I think that AS2012 make some turbulentes, but it's the T7 by itself. If you have bad weather conditions where wind is changing rapid the hole time, the T7 is very very bad to control.


    Other thing i have problems with Autothrottel yesterday. LNAV and VNAV was activated after takeoff, but the T7 don't speed up in AP mode and hold climb rate. The AP don't push the nose down to give the T7 a chance to accelerate. I must push Alt Hold... So the speed was extrem slow and go slower into the bad range.


    Anybody happens this too?


    PS: On final approach, I use only the throttle to get more or less vertical speed like a fighter pilot. The auto trim produce then this effect.


    The problem started from the altitude above 10000 using LNAV and V/S FPA 1000 and the IAS speed  320.  This is when it starts having the pitch up/down motion.  



    PS: I was using default fsx clear skys weather.


    Thanks again.


  2. So far I am not really enjoying it at all with the pitching up and down. I am surprised that the beta tester did not pick up this behaviour and I have searched and searched on google and couldn't find the answer. It is nothing to do with the weather also. Just don't understand why I don't get this problem with 737-800NGX PMDG and 747-400 PMDG.




  3. Not sure whether to love it or hate it!  So far I am not really enjoying it at all as this pitching up and down is driving me crazy.  After paying $89.99 you wouldn't expect to have this type of problem.  At least they could have come up with some sort of hot fix? 




  4. This [in my opinion] could be to do with the dodgy trimming.


    I find trimming very unrealistic. And end up bobbing up and down trying to chase the trim.


    Hitting the trim for one second equates to 10 knots speed change. The problem appears to be that anything less than one second has zero effect on trim. Therefore, you hit the trim for one second and it trims to fast and too much, hit it again and it trims the opposite direction, again too fast and too much.


    Could be that even on autopilot in vertical speed mode, the AP is also having issues trimming.


    It may be that trim effectiveness in the aircraft cfg would help this. I may experiment later. If correct the information may be of use to PMDG.


    It could also be centre of gravity issues, this often causes porpoiseing in the sim.


    The other alternative is that I'm talking nonsense, and annoying PMDG to the max. I don't mean to, but the trim issue for me is ruining my enjoyment of this potentially great product.




    If you look at the tail of the T7 in that video, you can see the control surface on the tail, bobbing up and down.


  5. After testing several times, I believe it has nothing to do with the weather.  It is to do with AIR File configuration.  I had an old version of 777 from FS9 so I have replaced the air file just for experiment and I didn't get any pitch up and down motion.  I have tried LNAV and VNAV engage and everything was working fine.  Even during the cruise I disengage the VNAV and just using the LNAV and everything was perfect.  So I am hoping the PMDG will update the air file for service pack 1. 

  6. Mo-


    This does not occur normally- there HAS to be some sort of Wx interaction.  Just double check that "Clear all skies" is selected and retry- or you can go custom and set winds to 0.  Let us know.....


    AS2012 w/ DWC was my solution to the Wx woes......


    Thanks Carl, still the same.




  7. Would it be possible if you could try a short flight to see if you get the same problem.


    1- Switch to FCTL so you can look at the STAB control counter.

    2- Put V/S 1000

    3- IAS 320 above 10000 altitude without using VNAV, just use the LNAV

    If you look at the STAB control the numbers go up and down

    I have tried it with the VNAV and LNAV it has no problem, it only happens when you use LNAV .

    Usually when I am flying I only use the LNAV and VNAV up to 5000 altitude.  Then I switch to LNAV.


    Regarding the frame rates, I have no problem with these.


    Many thanks,


  8. Thanks gents for your replies.  The problem started from the altitude above 10000 using LNAV and V/S FPA 1100 and the IAS speed  320.  This is when it starts having the pitch up/down motion.  I am not sure if there is anything I have to set on the FMC set up.


    Will give it a try later and see what happens.


    Thanks again.



  9. Not sure I am doing things right, but during the climb the front of the aircraft is moving up and down like a see saw.  Haven't had any problem with any other PMDG products.  Any help would be much appreciated.




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