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About virge

  • Birthday 06/27/1947

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    Windsor, Ontario, Canada

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  1. The only real solution as most people know is a 64 bit simulator. Hopefully P3D will come through soon with such a solution. I think better memory management is only a partial solution. Given the fact that a 32 bit application has a maximum of 4GB of VAS, and in order to provide a smooth flow, the only real solution is 64 bit. In order to fully avoid OOM issues in a 32 bit simulation, is to flush the VAS on the fly in real time as you leave a given area, and them load the new area you are entering, which of course I believe would introduce breaks in the flow of the simulation as the new area loaded. Considering the fact that every type of addon, is becoming more demanding, means the situation will only get worse.
  2. virge


    Is the ONLY difference the PMDG 777 where you have an OOM? Is ALL the other add ons such as airports, other aircraft, scenery, and weather engine all the same, BUT JUST when you run the PMDG 777, is when you have an OOM issue? If this is the case then I think it is an issue with the PMDG 777 on your particular machine. One thing I might mention though, that might be a possibility. After you start FSX, and you select your airport, etc, and the PMDG 777, do you go directly into the simulation, or did you change the livery on the PMDG after already having selected one previously? It seems there was an issue with PMDG where if you changed liveries and it loaded, and you then changed it by loading another livery, then went into the simulation, you end up with multiple copies of the PMDG 777 loaded into memory, which could be the problem. It seems that in order to clear the memory of the previous aircraft you must exit FSX before loading a different livery. This seems to just happen with the PMDG aircraft, One final thing. In your CFG file you don't need BOTH - Usepools=0, and Poolsize=0. Either one works fine. eg: [bUFFERPOOLS] Usepools=0 [bUFFERPOOLS] Poolsize=0
  3. According to the developer of PFPX, and TopCat, in order to use them on a second computer in a network setup, you need WideFS, and FSUIPC. I have not tried it yet myself yet, but I have purchased both TopCat, and PFPX, and will be purchasing WideFS, and FSUIPC as well.
  4. Would he be better off uninstalling, and starting fresh, rather then trying to repair? You mentioned going into his registry, well I had to do this for Active Sky 2012, because one of the paths was not being read on start up.
  5. My SimConnect folders appear identical, except for the equal sign, and what follows after the equal sign. Now I have a question. Is the other poster trying to do something different other then setting up a network? ERR so am I. We seem to be misunderstanding each other. Nothing like talking in person, as opposed to texting in a forum. So much is lost in the translation so to speak.
  6. I am definitely no expert on this subject, but apparently the FSX version you start with does matter from all the material I have read as it relates to how you proceed if you want to setup a network. Also it seems that the SimConnect clients are just one small part of the SDK.
  7. CORRECTION - I meant to say that 61259 corresponds to a SimConnect client version. Well here is the bottom line. I currently have SimConnect versions 10.0.60905.0 ; version 10.0.61242.0, and version 10.0.61259.0 installed on my client computer. I installed three Simconnect.msi installers. One from the subfolder " lib", and two from the legacy subfolder. I included all of them just in case some addons require different versions. In the final analysis my setup works great. If yours works that great, good. I am just trying to help this guy. I am not trying to see who has the most knowledge on the subject.
  8. Just a few questions if I may. Is your system up and running, or are you still having problems. Are you using FSX standard, FSX Deluxe, or FSX Gold. Unless you change the install location, the SDK will install to the default location, which is the drive letter Windows is installed on, which typically is C:\ Program Files (x86)\ Microsoft Games, and creating a subfolder called Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK, and this is where you will find your SimConnect msi installers for the SimConnect clients. What version of FSX are you starting with. FSX standard, FSX Deluxe, or FSX Gold. The version numbers I just posted are the ones I currently have on my system, and all works fine. I have checked the version numbers with Froogle's tutorial to verify if I had it right, and YES my version numbers are indeed the same as what Froogle is running. Just to be clear, what numbers are SDK versions, and what numbers are Simconnect client version numbers from your posted list?
  9. I beg to differ. The three SimConnect clients ARE version, 10.0.60905.0 - 64.0 KB; version 10.0.61242.0 - 76KB, and version 10.0.61259.0 - 145KB. These three SimConnect clients are installed on the client computer, and they can be viewed in the add/remove. I know, because I just installed them on my system. The SDK's reside on the computer, which has FSX installed. These can also be viewed in the add/remove on the FSX computer (server). These version for the SDK's in the add/remove are - Microsoft Flight Simulator X SP2 SDK - 321MB - version 10.0.61472.0, and the other one is Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Acceleration SDK - 333MB - version 10.0.61637.0 It sounds like you are simply doing something wrong. Mine is working perfectly. Itemize exactly what you are doing to setup your network. I believe you are wrong. That particular version number (61259)corresponds with an SDK file. The three Simconnect.msi files are found in a subfolder of the fully updated SDK file.
  10. You have to create them manually. You can use notepad to create these files. Actually you MUST use ONLY notepad as any other text editor such as wordpad or Word are not compatible with creating these files. Also it is three files that you need. SimConnect.msi ; SimConnect.ini ; SimConnect.cfg., and must be placed in certain folders. Two go in the FSX computer, and the third goes into the client computer.
  11. I believe you are mistaking a version of an SDK for a SimConnect client. Version 61637 is the version number of the SP2 you installed. After installing all the SDK updates, you then go to (Default Path) C:\Program files (x86)\Microsoft Games\ Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK(this would be the same folder as FSX is installed (Default Path). So you would have two folders the FSX folder, and the SDK folder. Open Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK folder, then double click on the subfolder, called SDK. Then double click Core Utilities Kit. Next double click on SimConnect SDK folder. Then double click or open the " lib folder". In the lib folder you will find a file called SimConnect.msi. Now install this msi files on your client computer. Next go back to the SimConnect SDK folder, and open the LegacyInterfaces folder. In this folder you will find two folders called FSX-RTM, and FSX-SP1. Each of these folders has a Simconnect.msi files in them. You must also install these two files on your client computer. When you are done you should have three SimConnect client files in your add/remove on the client computer. The version numbers of these three SimConnect files should be v 10.0.60905.0 ; v 10.0.61242.0 ; v 10.0.61259.0. Hope this helps. I don't think it is. The version number 61637, is the version number of an SDK. The installer for the SimConnect client resides in the SDK folder, as a subfolder. Once all SDK updates are applied, the three Simconnect client files must be installed on the client computer. It seems he is mistaking an SDK version number for a SimConnect client version number. I could be wrong, but I don't believe such a file even exists with those version numbers ( 6.1.61259.0) All versions of the SimConnect clients, and the SDK's, all start with 10.0., NOT 6.1.
  12. Well I got it working finally. Here is my setup. The SDK's are installed on the PC that HAS FSX installed, and the SimConnect clients are installed on the second PC that does NOT have FSX installed. My problem was with some text errors in my SimConnect.xml file. The only entries in my second PC in the add/remove are the three Simconnect clients. My FSX machine has FSX, and the SDK's in the add/remove.
  13. You also have the following entry, which is " Microsoft Flight Simulator X Acceleration v 10.0.61637.0, which it would seem is the FSX game itself on your laptop. I say this, because after installing Flight Simulator X Deluxe, and then installing Acceleration as per instructions, I ended up with the entry in my add/remove programs of Microsoft Flight Simulator X Acceleration v 10.0.61637.0, which is exactly the same as what you have on your laptop that does NOT have FSX installed. I am thoroughly confused. Initially I thought the SDK's were installed on the computer that HAS FSX installed on it, and the SimConnect clients were installed on the computer that does NOT have FSX installed on it. Could you please clarify, or anyone else who can get me started on the right track. Thank you all in advance.
  14. In step 7 above, are you saying that the laptop is the computer that does NOT have FSX installed on it? Are you also saying that you installed these files above in step 7 into this laptop that does NOT have FSX installed? Why I ask is because for a couple of reasons. First, you have an entry " Microsoft flight simulator X: Acceleration V 10.0.61637.0 ", which is the actual entry for the FSX game on my main computer. I also have the two SDK entries that you have above, on my main computer as well as the previous mentioned entry. The 3 SimConnect client entries are on my second (client computer), where Active Sky, and other such addons are installed as well. I am confused. I thought that the SDK's where installed on the computer that has FSX installed, and the simconnect clients are installed on the second computer (client) with the addons, such as Active Sky. I should mention that I have FSX Gold Edition, which includes FSX Deluxe, and Acceleration.
  15. Hi everyone. I am new to some of these addons such as Active Sky 2012, and I would like to know exactly what his XGauge is. Is it a custom gauge that has to be installed in the aircraft panel? If so, won't that disfigure a beautiful plane like PMDG's 737 NGX for example. Does this XGauge take up an area on the aircraft panel where another gauge should be? And finally is it absolutely necessary to install this XGauge in order to have Active Sky work? For me that would prevent me from buying Active sky if this is the case. Thank you all in advance.
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