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Everything posted by anuk

  1. I laugh when I read this kind of issues. Obviously are frustrating and i wish you really good luck but once upon a time there was a time when you actually needed to be an engineer to tune up windows, drivers, sim and hardware settings. With the most @$#^%$ (word not allowed) graphics just to keep below 3,5Gigs of RAM thanks to 32bits FSX/P3D. the best gpu/cpu/ram, absolutely useless, because sim crashed just before touchdown after a massive transatlantic 15 hours online event That was the real pain MSFS is heaven
  2. how msfs2020 could not meet my expectations?, if at first I didn't have any. This "game", simulator, proyect came from nowhere one year ago, I didn't expect a 2020 release, even less in august. Of course there's a lot to achieve and fix, thats natural in ANY software. I really believe in Asobo's commitment and dedication, I hope from Microsoft the same level of support because when i hear "this is a long term project", I have to say, Aces Game Studio had a project too, that's my only concern. fixes? enhancements? sdk? 3th party developers?, If there is something I had learn in this 15+ years of sim experience across many 32 bits platforms, ctds, poorly graphics and fps is to be patient. thats it.
  3. blown tire, go to cdu, on ground opp menu you can chance the tires
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