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Posts posted by CB183183183

  1. I think it's really a shame we have yet to see a bizjet model that has reached realism heights of some of the airliner products for FSX/P3D like PMDG, Majestic, etc.  I would kill for a high fidelity version of a Lear 45 or Lear 60 not to mention a Global Express or G-V but there are few biz jet companies out there that seem willing to work alongside a developer to create a really realistic product.  I know Wilco has a partnership with Dassault, but sadly I don't think too highly of Wilco.  There releases and product support have been spotty at best.  Hopefully the Eaglesoft Citation X is as good on P3D as it is on FSX.

  2. Hey guys,


    This is my first post on avsim, been a lurker for a while.  Just wanted to point out an awesome new scenery I found.  It's for the Little Rock Airport by folks called Jetstream Designs.  Was really impressed by the quality and hope they pick some larger airfields to model in the future.  Has anyone had a chance to use the scenery yet? http://secure.simmarket.com/jetstream-designs-little-rock-national-airport-2014-for-fsx.phtml

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