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Posts posted by Susu986

  1. 5 minutes ago, Colonel X said:

    Pro gamers need more than 60 FPS? 

    Previously I tough I can hardly see the difference over 60 fps (my X-plane runs around 30, so it's just my general observation from other titles). Then my friend bought a 120Hz monitor, and well... I could really feel the difference when certain titles run around 100-120 fps, it was a really cool experience. I've heard some claims that in first-person-shooters the higher your framerate is, the better you can aim/hit people, but for me that sounds unsubstantiated. And everything is relative. For example, I can really feel the difference between a normal 24 fps movie, a 48 fps one, or even a behind-the-scenes film shot at 30 fps (soap opera effect). But on the other hand, some people I know barely see any difference, like my girlfriend, who has no idea what I'm talking about. Anyway, it maybe a bit off topic, but I tough I share this, (it ties into the framerate question) in case there is someone who doesn't know what I'm talking about. So, for me, this video feels totally wrong, epic movie feeling is completely ruined. But I'm sure that some people watch this trailer, and they will go like 'So what is so special about this? This is just a normal trailer. I don't see anything. What are you talking about?'. And to back to X-plane, I'm quite happy as long as I can sustain 30 fps and don't fall any lower. But pro gamers carving over 60 fps is something I can relate to and understand.



  2. 1 hour ago, Jimmy RFR said:

    ...It doesn't matter what TYPE of users those may be, more users means more money in the pockets of Laminar, which ultimately gives Laminar more freedom to pursue their vision of X-Plane.

    And THAT I can get behind! :biggrin:

    I agree, at least that is definetely a good thing. 😃 Austin is really dedicated when it comes to X-plane (wish we could see that more often). And he can probably use any extra dollar visely.

  3. 29 minutes ago, Rob Ainscough said:

    Ironically I was very disappointed when LR remove my ability to fine tune graphics settings into their more "simplified" graphics settings ... clearly this was an attempt to make XP11 more user friendly, just as their control assignments. 

    And that have happened because many people had trouble setting up X-plane properly. If the average user would be a bit more computer savvy, then people would have had no problem setting up X-plane to perform well in the first place, and we would still have our advanced menus. So even you can feel the negative effects of this trend. More of this to come in the future, probably. I love a clean UI (who wouldn't? faster to use it, too), but not on the expense of giving up control over certain parts.

    29 minutes ago, Rob Ainscough said:

    So it would appear LR's vision doesn't fall in line with your vision of requiring end users to know the mechanics of their computer.

    Of course it won't, and it probably never will :) They are looking at it from a business perspective: sell as many copies as possible, we don't care who buys it as long as they pay for it!

    Personally I look at it from a different perspective, and I believe we have already reached a level when things won't need to be easier for the average user. I would love to see a mature, computer literate user base preserved (not PHD level, you don't need to know all the itsy-bitsy parts, just a baseline knowledge where you have no problem moving files in-and-out of folders, and you have a basic idea of what your X-plane installation entails, and what takes up all that room on your hard drive. If you are willing to fork out hundreds (thousands?) of dollars on a computer, is this too much to ask?). As it was pointed out earlier, having an open file structure makes it so much easier and better for a lot of people. You can have multiple installations, reinstalling stuff is easy, etc. As a developer (who sometimes also flies for fun as well), this is a Godsend. Paradoxically, even uninstalling is easier, as generic uninstallers can leave leftover files behind which can make trouble later - whilst if you do it yourself, you know it has been done properly. But the 'easy installers' are robbing you from the control over your own machine. That is not something I like to see, but unfortunately (for me) this is the direction the industry is taking. But just because something makes sense from a monetary perspective, doesn't mean it's a good thing for the common folk, too. Anyway, I'm happy that we can have a civilized debate about this.

    • Upvote 2

  4. 25 minutes ago, Rob Ainscough said:

    Statement?  If so, I assume you have details to back that up?

    I mean to say YOUR scenery. You cannot work on your OWN scenery, if your work for a company, like ORBX. They will tell you what they want you to develop. So working for them won't maximize YOUR sales, it will maximize ORBX's sales. That's what I've meant.

    25 minutes ago, Rob Ainscough said:

    In a business setting or a personal setting?

    As I remember (but don't take my word for it), JV publicly stated back then (years ago), that 'X-plane has no future'. I guess he meant the small user base, and the relatively low market share (plus the fact the due it's small development team, X-plane used to be really behind FSX, which was or course backed by Microsoft) . Things have changed since then, but Austin remembered the comment, and bought it up again on Facebook. The post has been deleted since then.

    25 minutes ago, Rob Ainscough said:

    Unfortunately this is not correct.  I'm not going name names (more than a few) but payware products ranging from $30 to $60+ have required additional downloads and steps and no hands free installers.

    In that case, sorry. The addons I've purchased so far (both scenery and aircraft, plus environmental addons) did not require any additional downloads, but if you had seen some that did, then it's my bad.

    25 minutes ago, Rob Ainscough said:

    And that's part of the problem ... establishing exclusivity which reduces market potential, why?  How would such exclusivity benefit Xplane and attract more developers?

    From a monetary standpoint, I totally agree- every sale is a sale, and every company wants to sell as many of their products as possible. However many have reflected on how does this making X-plane less. Microsoft Flight Simulator used to be a serious sim, back in the days. Nova days? Go on Youtube, check FSX multiplayer... young kids are using it to fool around, like they would be playing an arcade game on Playstation. Yes, it means more sales, but again, haven't we lost something? Since it's so easy to use the sims, everyone is invited to the table, and the whole culture of the sim suffers as a result.

    25 minutes ago, Rob Ainscough said:

    Sthat's fairly insulting to smart people who don't need to know anything about a computers but want to know about flight.  

    Again, I agree with the base assumption. However, in order to appreciate what you have, you need to 'work for it'. And nor X-plane, neither it's addons require such a high level of computer savvyness, that shouldn't be expected from an everyday user who wants to get into serious flight simming (this doubles up for real world pilot's, who are probably the most serious users of all). I believe that people who are serious about their hobby, should put some effort into it. Not much , but some, yes. Being an armchair pilot means, that you do have a medium between you, and your plane - the PC. And learning more about your own computer will only benefit you in the long run. I guess it's the age old debate between manual and automatic transmission in cars. If automatics would clearly be better, then no one would use manuals. Yes, you need to learn more about driving to control a manual, but you also get out more, too. This is my point. However, from a sales perspective, I totally agree with you.

    • Upvote 1

  5. 3 minutes ago, STUART_H said:

    I don't use the integrated ATC, as I use either Radar Contact or PF3, I was just trying to see what worked in WT3. And No, the Enter key is not bound to anything in the XP Keyboard mapping, I checked.


    Check all your keybindings, WT 3 should work without problems. You do not necessarily need to assign a key to every function (like for the radar), but some things you need to. With my config, Ctrl+W opens up the side dialog, and you can navigate with the arrows and Backspace for going back (I think the arrows are non-configurable, but rather preset by World Traffic, I'm not sure about Backspace). It should work, just don't give up. Radar Contact or PF3 won't work with World Traffic (but neither they do with the default one). World Traffic's own ATC is well.. not really good, it can only be useful to clear your approach, so it's understandable if you want to use a third party package. I think Pilot2ATC WILL work with WT in the future.

  6. 33 minutes ago, Rob Ainscough said:

    So if your scenery sold 300% more thanks to Orbx marketing

    Your scenery won't sell more. You won't be making your scenery. You'll be making ORBX's scenery, and you either get a cut of the sales, or you get paid a fix amount.

    33 minutes ago, Rob Ainscough said:

    I doubt Austin or Ben have any issues with JV ... if they do, then they need to look into the mirror and get them resolved quickly.

    As far as I know, JV had said some negative things about X-plane years ago, and when Austin heard that ORBX is coming to X-plane is December, he bought it up. Since then their relationship is not 'cordial', however ORBX will still do some stuff for X-plane (they won't need Austin's permission to do that anyway, however it could be helpful for them, because maybe they could influence certain parts of the development).

    33 minutes ago, Rob Ainscough said:

    ... sharing across developers (to provide products more quickly)...

    This is not how it works. Sometimes studios collaborate, but no one will give up their assets and their techniques, just so that they can do stuff quickly. Microsoft will not collaborate with other companies to make Windows better for the common good, while giving up their secrets. And collaboration is already present between today's developers in X-plane, that does not depend on ORBX, or more developers coming to X-plane. However, I agree, that more studios will likely raise the bar in the quality of payware addons.


    33 minutes ago, Rob Ainscough said:

    and more polished products that don't require end users to read a bunch to text files on how to install something because there is no installer, or how to go to web site XYZ to download this, then copy that, then and then ... come on.  One assumes that having a simple unified environment similar to Orbx FTX Central is a good thing for XPlane ... it will raise the bar.

    Most of the stuff you are referring to are FREEWARE airports which requires libraries. I highly doubt than any PAYWARE product (let it be scenery or aircraft) require you to install any additional stuff. Dumbing down X-plane even more (where the users won't even need to copy files from one location to the other, which is an absolutely basic level of computer usage, you cannot really get more basic than that) just invites more people who should be using Aerofly FS2 or FSW instead. X-plane is a serious simulator, and people should be expected to be able to use their computer at a minimum level (and don't complain if they need to read 3 lines of instructions every now and then), if they want to use it. Heck, this thing is an FAA certifiable simulator, yet many people who use it many times won't even grasp utterly basic concepts... ridiculous. There are simulators out there designed for those who want a one-click solution, X-plane is different (and thank God for that). Simple, unified environments more likely lower the bar instead of raising it, and we would get even more panicky people who have zero clue about how to use X-plane, but unwilling to sit down and learn. Nothing in the current day X-plane is rocket science, nor it's addons, it's easy to figure out everything, if you know how to use your PC or Mac. There are tons of people making freeware airports using WED, which is also relatively easy to learn. Even Ortho4Xp and World Traffic 3 are laughingly easy to use, if someone understand the basic concepts about computer usage. And people who are unwilling to do that, should choose a simulator which is more suited for the level of readiness.

    • Upvote 1

  7. The new Ultimate Realism Pack combined with the Eddie Sky Pack is amazing! I was always into Reshade/SweetFX (even ENB in my FSX days), and this is one of the best. It might be a bit too blue, but those sunrises/sunsets... amazing.
    So I took my trusty Laminar C172 for a spin from my KHAF Half Moon Bay to KTRK Truckee Tahoe. A predawn flight over San Franciso Bay, and then heading out to the mountains for a fun day ahead!

    Getting ready for the red-eye departure in my hangar, it's 4:30 in the morning

    Taxiing to the runway. Have to climb out quickly, lest I wake up the neighbors...

    The sun comes up over the northern part of the Bay




    The outskirts of Sacramento

    Getting closer to Lake Tahoe

    The city of Lake Valley, and the lake

    On final for Truckee. Watch out for the crosswind!

    And happily landed! It's still early morning, and the whole day is ahead!

    • Upvote 1

  8. 1 hour ago, sparkie66 said:

    holy [word not allowed]! Thanks for the heads up.

    I stayed away from reshade etc for a while, but this is insanely better than default. 

    Yes, it's pretty sweet, especially with the Eddie Skypack. Ah, those sunrises... :)

    Maybe a little bit TOO blue, but it's a real beauty, so I don't want to complain :) Predrag is really talented!

    I wish Reshade would integrate better, and wouldn't freeze X-plane everytime you quit the sim. It's still worth it for the visuals. I have tried many Reshade presets, and this is amongst the best. It also touches on other aspects too, and well... beautiful!!! :)

    X-plane has just gotten even more spectacular looking, yee-haw! :)

    • Upvote 1

  9. 1 hour ago, STUART_H said:

    How do you stop X-Plane 11 aircraft simply spinning round in circles and instead they follow taxiways to take off and also to have them landing?

    I don't use XP flightplanner or ATC, as I use Simbrief and either Radar Contact or PF3 for ATC. Must I file a flight plan in XP11 itself to have the AI aircraft react properly?

    I'm not concerned about having en-route AI but would like a few aircraft taxiing around at my departure and arrival airports.  I know about X-Life and World Traffic, but don't want to tax my system too much.



    Hi Stuart,

    May not help much, but my two cents is: X-plane's AI is just so lacking, that you should not bother with it. Every single aircraft you have around you uses a similar flight model to your own aircraft, therefore very computational intensive. In fact, having World Traffic 3 displaying tons of aircraft barely gives you any fps drop, while only a few Laminar AI aircraft probably will. Others can chip in and give you suggestions on your original problem, but I strongly recommend to take a look at those alternatives (especially World Traffic 3).

  10. 52 minutes ago, Murmur said:

    They've 'tackled' it already, since 11.10v6, you can turn it off using a dataref. The 'tackling' part they were referring to was the fact, that previously you could NOT turn it of, not even with a dataref. That has changed now. At the moment Laminar thinks that birds and deer are a cool thing (an about 50% of people agree with them), so they won't go away, and probably keep forcing it down on peoples throats. You can turn them off either in the prf file, or with the deer_birds dataref, too. I don't think Laminar will change their position on this. Anyone, who wants to turn it off, can already do it, even if it's not the most convenient way, like a mere tickbox. Don't ask me why Laminar is forcing this on people. Anyway, as long as we can turn it off (and can automate it, so we don't have to do that every time), I'm happy.

  11. 55 minutes ago, Cactus521 said:

    I run both sims with a high degree of contentment.  One thing I found with Xplane is the need for a good controller.  My old controller wasn't working too hot, I bought a Thrustmaster but it did not perform well.  So I went for a Logitech Extreme 3D Pro, it works extremely well, has the twist rudder which I like plus several well-placed buttons so I can trim the aircraft and set the flaps.  The throttle has a great feel, it just seems perfect for Xplane and my performance with Xplane improved quite a bit.  My system specs aren't ultra high end, but I think my GPU is well matched to my CPU.


    I have to second that, your controller is very important in X-plane. I used to have a twist grip joystick as well, now I also use pedals, too, because they give me more fine grained control when taxiing/taking off. I'm using a Thrustmaster T-Flight Hotas X, which is value option. Having said that I recommend to buy at least a value joystick, then using keyboard/mouse. I also have a 4770K CPU, and GTX 1080 (arrived a few days ago), and my CPU is clearly the bottlenecking factor now. But still, I can get at least 30 fps pretty much everywhere with comparatively high settings.

  12. 1 hour ago, kneighbour said:

     I notice that Carenado have converted the Do228 over to X-Plane now and that it was released a short time ago. There only seems to be 1 video of it on Youtube, so pretty hard to get a good idea of it. Has any one here tried it out?

    It seems a nice plane to fly on FSE, and it looks good, but am somewhat wary of buying Carenado aircraft, so would appreciate any feedback. Thanks.

    I'm interested in this bird too, finally a plane with steam-gauge controls, where the GPS only gets a minor a part. I know I belong to the smaller camp of people, but I prefer aircraft without GPS (or an a/c where the GPS is not prominent), and I'm eagerly waiting for them to make the C172 Cutlass II X-plane 11 compatible. That was my favorite aircraft under FSX, and would buy it on day 1!

    • Upvote 1

  13. 6 hours ago, N1125Y said:

    ..so in plain English, we can benefit from both, having Ortho4XP on top of HD Mesh, and letting Ortho4XP build overlay which will reside on top of Ortho4Xp Tiles (Assuming that Ortho4XP build the overlay using HD Mesh). 

    Did I get it right ???????     

    Almost... except you cannot have Ortho4Xp on top of HD Mesh.

    Yes, you can use HD Mesh to build overlays for Ortho4XP tiles, and use those overlays (which is basically the autogen buildings, forests, and roads systems on top) with Ortho4XP. However, you won't benefit from HD-Mesh' high resolution terrain mesh at the same time while having orthophotos, either one, or the other. If you want to benefit from the terrain mesh, and would love to see beautifully sloping mountains, cliffs, and a scenic mesh in general, then choose HD Mesh (however, you won't have orthophotos then, and will only see stock X-plane ground textures). So it's a decision about which is more important for you. Of course the bestundoubtedly would be to have both at the same time for sure (that would be a dream for me). It's a pity that X-plane's scenery arrangement is quite rigid in this regard, mesh and orthophotos should be two completely different thing, not interfering with each other, Ortho4XP providing the images only, while mesh would come from HD Mesh.* While building your Ortho4XP autogen overlays with the help of HD mesh, you will get better results for your autogen (the objects themselves will remain the same, but the placement of forests and roads will be more accurate), however the difference won't be night and day compared to the default autogen placement. It would still definitely worth in my opinion. To quote Forkboy here: Based on the spot checking I've done, overlays from HD Mesh V3 have a slightly higher level of detail

    I'm no expert on the topic, but I hope that clears it up, please anyone correct me if needed :)

    *You can use draped polygons , which won't interfere with the underlying mesh (or the autogen on top). This way you can get best of both (satellite imagery on top, and even HD Mesh underneath). This is the approach I've used with my payware KHAF (and I guess others too). This approach however probably won't scale well for tile based scenery, and this is why Ortho4XP works differently, but again, please correct me.

    • Upvote 1

  14. 15 minutes ago, Old_As_Dirt said:

    Make sure that your heading indicator is lined up with the magnetic compass before takeoff.  This has never been an issue in the past with X-Plane, but with b6 it appears to be important ... as it is in real life.


    Yes, I've discovered it the hard way by getting lost north of London :D I almost always fly VFR in small planes, don't use GPS, rarely look at the magnetic compass, and used to the fact that the heading indicator is always calibrated right by X-plane itself. It was laziness from my part. This is why I really love this new feature! Just as you say, like real pilots, we have to properly check and calibrate that heading indicator before takeoff from now on! I love that! :)

    • Upvote 1

  15. 17 minutes ago, ca_metal said:

    Every P3D fan was saying how beautiful this "EU Netherlands" was getting, but it was just X-Plane 11 + W2XP + Orthos. 

    EXACTLY, this is without a doubt the most revealing thing here :)

    It's way more easy to make X-plane look fantastic (not to mention, for free, thanks to the wonderful community), than to do the same thing with P3D. Not saying that P3D cannot look great (oh man, those REX clouds), but X-plane deserves recognition for what it's achieving already.

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  16. On 11/3/2017 at 1:07 AM, danklaue said:

    XP11.10 introduces randomized vacuum-based instrument startup points

    I wasn't totally that was a failure or a feature, so I've reported it as a 'might be failure' on the Cessna. Now it's confirmed as a feature (I didn't dug deep enough in the release notes). I think it's good the have this option, but of course an extra headache for you guys.

  17. 24 minutes ago, Treetops45 said:

    No doubt the Orbx skirmish into XP11 will generate some interest in XP.

    Could  folk who are running both P3D v4 & XP11 give their thoughts as to which ITHO, is better as regards - scenery visual realism, weather, aircraft FDE & visual appearance. Perhaps overall?

    & any other aspects of Sims that they look for?




    My two cents: Performance wise I think X-plane is a clear winner, also you won't get blurry textures on the ground as you'd in FSX/P3D. Visually for me X-plane is more pleasing, however you might want to use Reshade, as the base colors are quite muted. There is global lighting on everything, including every headlight from every car on the road, at night X-plane is truly spectacular. Weather modelling is better in P3D (especially with Active Sky), flight modelling is better in X-plane, hands-down. Base scenery is not as good in X-plane, however you can download free orthophotos for most parts of the world with Ortho4XP, if you are into that (although summer only, however with orthophos, X-plane's scenery looks way better than P3D in my opinion). There are some great quality payware aircrafts, not as many as in P3D, but at the most popular aircraft are well represented addonwise. Being a payware scenery developer I won't comment on scenery matters, I leave that to others.

  18. 27 minutes ago, tonywob said:

    Yes, I've asked JV for clarification on why this has happened. It's worrying indeed.

    But hey, show's that people want what we have for free in X-Plane :-)

    That's a positive note, however, they should not use ANY of your work without your consent, ESPECIALLY for a payware product.

    I respect ORBX and own many of their products (back from my FSX days), but that is plagarism. Also, JV not seeing the difference between a P3D and an X-plane screenshot? I don't know...

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