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Everything posted by mattloveday1987

  1. Hi Everyone I fly a lot on Vatsim and with Easyjet/BA Virtual airlines. The one thing i am missing is getting a bit more involved in the economics of a flight - for example ticket cost, fuel, staffing cost etc. Any suggestions on an add on/app that i could use on the side to day to day flying? Thanks Matt
  2. Hi All I have the Overhead Panel for A320 from Java Simulator but am struggling to download JS Connect. Does anyone have this file at all that they could share? Link to get to it is below but as you will see bandwidth on site keeps crashing 😞 https://javasimulator.com/download/js-connect-for-fenix/ Thanks Matt
  3. Hi All I have the Overhead Panel for A320 from Java Simulator but am struggling to download JS Connect. Does anyone have this file at all that they could share? Link to get to it is below but as you will see bandwidth on site keeps crashing 😞 https://javasimulator.com/download/js-connect-for-fenix/ Thanks Matt
  4. Bit strange…. Must be connected to the core sim update?
  5. Hi all I have a pretty stable setup… probably had 1 crash in the last year. I had the latest MSFS update last week and installed Geneva add on from redwing at the same time. I have now had 3 sim sessions ending at Geneva, Gatwick and Aberdeen that have all crashed exactly on engine shut down…. Not sure if anthung else has auto updated in the background I’m running MSFS Fenix A320 SLC Vatsim through VPilot Valenta pegasus for easyjet little nav map efb v2 If anyone has any ideas where to start let me know! Thanks Matt
  6. Hi All I probably spend 80% of my time flying with speakers - although i only have a basic setup using these guys https://www.amazon.co.uk/Creative-Inspire-T10-Multimedia-Speakers-Black/dp/B000WQIKJ0 I wondered if anyone has gone full surround sound at all? I would appreciate any speaker recommendations 🙂 Thanks Matt
  7. Mainly the amount of aircraft visible - so parked, ifr, vfr and radius settings. Sorry should have been more specific!
  8. Hi all Im typically a vatsim flyer but want to experiment with FSLTL with Fs HUD. Any recommendations on settings at all? I’ve got a pretty high spec setup - 14900k/RTX 4090/64gb ddr5 ram Thanks, Matt
  9. Thanks! That did the job! Didnt know that was a know issue but at least its a workaround for now 🙂
  10. Hi All I have installed LJLJ Scenic routes airport into my community folder - have followed the instructions on the PDF (Not the best!) and am getting this which looks to be default scenery. Any ideas how to fix? I'm not aware that there is an LJLJ as default that needs to be disabled but happy to be proven wrong! Thanks Matt
  11. That will probs be it.... i didnt realise there was a more detailed one installed on top of base! Thanks!
  12. Hi All I bought this on simmarket yesterday - looks great apart from there seeming to be an invisible hole on the centerline half way down the runway that the Fenix keeps hitting. Has anyone else had this and found a resolution? Thanks Matt
  13. Hi everyone Is there a website or app where I can get real-time gate information at airports? Reason being is I often fly a flight virtually in real time to its schedule but it would be good to know which gate it is departing from. Ive tried airport websites with little success Thanks Matt
  14. Excellent that's worked.... thank you .. wonder why that's changed after the update?
  15. Hi All I have just updated the Fenix to the new version and now the squawk code wont change. It does still work in terms of Squawk mode C and Ident but whatever number you press 2000 remains the static default number Any ideas? Have restarted the Sim and run the installer again just to be sure Thanks Matt
  16. Hi All Quick question on the Fenix A320 - Can you change the cabin layout on the mass and balance screen? As an example i can only ever have 36 in business and 126 in economy but want to have a full economy layout where more pax will fit in Is this possible? Thanks Matt
  17. Hi All Currently using PacX on MSFS which is ok but there isn’t much development for it and hasn’t moved on much since I had it for p3d… any other suggestions out there that you all recommend? Thanks Matt
  18. Hi All Just had my first CTD flying back to rome to egll on the Fenix A320... Something about a graphic issue... anyway while i try and figure that out i miss the P3D days of FSUIPC autosave backing up a flight... is ther a way to do this which remembers positon/FMC status etc? Thanks Matt
  19. Hi All Juat beginning the mass install of MSFS as I type… what is everyone’s view on the live weather? Is it accurate or are there any add ons that are better the default setup? Thanks Matt
  20. Hi All I am a long term P3D user making the switch into MSFS…. Setup seems much easier but I wondered if there are any guides/recommendations for setting up a new install and what if any add ons are recommended? For reference in P3D I used Active sky plus cloud art Little Nav Map EFB V2 GSX level 2 Thanks in advance Matt
  21. Hi everyone, So I have tried the Gatwick default scenery and paid scenery on marketplace and notice the stand numbers remain incorrect on the core sim driving little nav map and efb to show incorrect stand numbers I know this is an issue with the base sim but is there any workaround to fix this? Thanks Matt
  22. Hi Everyone It was a bit of a pain setting up the Thrustmaster controls and views in MSFS to my preference and i am shortly upgrading PC. Is there an easy way to save these settings to move across? If so where are they? Thanks Matt
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