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  1. After seeing this post a couple of months ago, I had this Issue happen to me for the first time tonight. I am not even in doubt that there is something wrong here (i've flown both the PMDG777-200 and the 300 a lot) The way the aircraft behaved after the main gear touched down was completely different to anything i have seen before and exactly as described by others in this post. This was into 30L in OMDB and the 77W usually stops fairly quickly. But this time it just kept the nose up by itself until like 2/3 down the runway making the nose come down just in time for the brakes to work making the aircraft stop just short of running off. i touched down with a 200fpm'ish landing just on the touch down marker. i will try and see if i can make some footage of it. P3D V4.3.
  2. Same issue here. It just ran the "add exclusion" thing and now every preset is wiped in chaseplane. (Edit): Restarting chaseplane while in the sim, after loading chaseplane as you normally do when opening the application got them back.
  3. 30K have through PM helped me and the issue is now solved.
  4. 100% sure it isn't the knob going back to norm, that's a whole different sound 🙂 if you're able and willing to try please go to your Rootsim/sound/pmdg/777x/various/ and play PMDG_777_EngineStart2c and tell me if you can hear the click between 13 and 14 seconds. I'll sort out a video or upload my sound file as soon as someone tells me its okay to upload.
  5. Hello. I have for a long time had an issue with the sound of the startup sequence of the right side engine on the 777. There is a static "click" during the right hand side engines startup sequence which is heard 44-45 seconds after turning the engine start switch to start. i started noticing it back somewhere in P3D V3 and have had the issue ever since. i am now on P3D V4.2. I have found that the click could be coming from the sound file PMDG_777_Enginestart2c because you can hear a very loud similar static "click" if you play the sound file outside of the sim. It is heard 13-14 seconds into the recording when playing that file. If i play the sound file PMDG_777_Enginestart1c there is no static click and it also sounds fine when starting that engine in the sim. I am unsure whether i am allowed to put the actual sound file from my machine up on this thread because you're not allowed to share files, but if someone can say it is okay i can put it up so you can hear what i am talking about.
  6. Does the dynamic lighting affect the VC lighting or is that pretty much the same? (Not because it was bad in V3) And if yes, can you provide some pictures of that?
  7. Hello Christian. Any chance you can re-upload these files (the checklist and yoke texture). or put them permanently in Avsims library? I would highly appreciate that, a plain checklist like the one you made is impossible to find apparently.
  8. Hello. I get this error(see below) every time i try to open the "livery downloader" in the PMDG operations center. This happens with all PMDG products i own (737, 777 and 747) and it worked fine two days ago. Between now and then i have not installed any programs on my PC or been running windows update. My operating system is Windows 10 home 64 bit. TLS 1.2 is enabled as instructed by the box.
  9. I completely agree that FPS usually is a bit lower on approach compared to the departure no matter how long the flight is. But from 40 to 17 just out of nothing must be some specific (i hope )
  10. Hello I’ve been a bit curious to where I should post this because I am not a 100% sure if it is the 747, P3D, my hardware or something fourth that is causing it. So i've decided to try and start here. I’m seeing this consistent frame drop when flying long hauls. After about 4-5 hours into the flight the FPS suddenly drop to around 20-25ish in the VC, the drop also appears in the external view and takes it down by approximately the same %. Over the course of writing this post my FPS have dropped from around 20-25ish to a steady 17ish and I suspect it will keep going down. My usual FPS is around 40-45 in the cruise in the 747 V3, with about 35ish on the ground at Aerosoft EDDF. I’ve seen the issue three times in 747 V3(the 3 long hauls I’ve done) and I THINK I’ve seen it in the 777 once a while ago but I am not a 100% sure so I’ll test that at a later point. I’ve attempted to close Ezdok and AS16, plus creating a clear sky envirorement, none of that helped. If I go ahead and restart my sim everything is back up and running as normal. It’s a bit hard to test the issue because it requires you to be airborne for at least 4 hours until it triggers, so I will keep testing and report my findings, I just hope someone else can say they’ve seen something similar or know a solution. I’m suspecting this could have something to do with hardware throttling but none of my hardware(CPU/GPU) are exceeding their limits on clock rates or temperatures, not even in overcast conditions. I usually monitor it even though there is no problem just out of interest and I have a log showing 20 minutes back all the time, which I immediately checked after the FPS drop happened. According to that beside my GPU temp and Fanspeed going down a little bit then everything else remained the same (GPU usage, CPU usage, CPU Temp etc) as in what it was prior to the FPS drop. I noticed that when it happened around 4 hours and 20 minutes into the flight, that I went from a consistent VAS of 3.3GB to a vas of around 3.6GB where 3.3 had been consistent within 20-30MB since unloading Aerosoft Frankfurt on the departure. System: 4790K (OC: 4.4ghz) – GTX 1080 376.33 – 16gig 2133hz ram – MSI Z97 Gaming 7 – Windows 10 64bit – Samsung 840 EVO 250gb. Addons: P3D V3.4 HF3, AS16, Ezdok V1, Orbx Vector, Global, OpenLC Europe, Rex texture direct, Rex soft clouds, Numerous scenery addons, GSX, FSUIPC free edition PMDG 747 V3 (+ numerous other aircraft). All addons are updated to the latest versions which all were updated this Saturday (Feb 11 2017) Update: i noticed in my windows logbook that i got a warning and an error about the same time as the FPS drop i dont know if it is related. I went through the logbook and found that on the 5th of Feb 2017 (last time i did a long haul) i received the same error and warning prior to the FPS drop. I got a warning saying the following (translated from Danish so might not be exactly the same on the English version if windows) The maximum size for the session “eventlog-airspacechannel” is reached, As a result from here on actions might be lost (Wont be logged) for the file C:\WINDOWS\System32\Winevt\Logs\AirSpaceChannel.etl” The maximum filesize are at the moment set to 1048576 byte: Followed by an error saying (again translated) The session “eventlog-airspacechannel” was eneded due to the following error: 0xC0000188 Source: Kernel-eventTracing
  11. Navn på program med fejl: Prepar3D.exe, version:, tidsstempel: 0x5758bb31 Navn på modul med fejl: ntdll.dll, version: 10.0.14393.479, tidsstempel: 0x58256ca0 Undtagelseskode: 0xc0000374 Forskydning med fejl 0x000d9d11 Proces-id 0x231c Programmets starttidspunkt 0x01d27ed71b2824a5 Programsti: C:\P3D V3\Prepar3D.exe Modulsti: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll Rapport-id: 687cbd4e-1de6-4f5a-b1a5-09fd838bae2a Fuldt navn på program med fejl: Relativt program-id for program med fejl: Got this error today en-route in the 747v3 from EDDF to KIAD. i dont know if the error you have and the one i have are related in another way than the ntdll. P3D V3.3.5 on windows 10 64bit. Prior to the flight i did update couatl to the latest version. The crash log is in danish but i assume the codes are the same across all languages
  12. Thank you for the quick reply. My monitor is an Asus PQ279Q 27 Display port at 2560x1440 144hz. I do not use scaling. In regards to DPI its not something I've heard about on monitors before so i am unsure what my setting/amount is. I am flying at the moment and will look into it if you need at a later point. My graphics card is a GTX 1080, and i have a second monitor connected as well (Asus VH242H 24 HDMI at 1920x1080 60hz) but the sim only runs on the PQ279Q It might be worth adding that the issue on the PFD is only periodic and does not happen all the time. I will keep monitoring it, but as far as i can recall the only time out of the 5-10 flights I've done so far, it have only appeared once, which was on approach into Dubai last night. (where the screenshot is from) I am doing the return from Dubai right now in the same livery/model and have not seen it yet.
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