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  1. Hello to all VA MCP and / or EFIs owners and interested persons, since 10 days I own VA MCP and EFIS hardware bundle. There are some very good experiences and some problems, too. I am interested to exchange experiences with other x plane VA hardware users. Maybe together we manage to solve some problems what VA support is not able to do or they have no capacity to solve it in short time. Here is a brief report: I ordered hardware via internet at Brazil VA homepage. Fast reply and fast shipping within 4 days to Germany. Good package and I got a desktop stand free. Total costs were around USD 1.000.- , including bundle, vat, tax and shipping. Hardware looks great, and after installing VA Interface software first test with x737 was close to be perfect! Small Problems are: Disengage switch shows only one way function. You have to push it down and up again for wanted effect. Vnav button and Lnav button are interchanged. You have to push Vnav to get Lnav working. Bank angle button shows no effect (turning) of virtual button from simulated plane and no effect on bank angle. EFIS works like a charm and in summarizing all experience with EADT x737, VA MCP and EFIS are impressing pieces of hardware what I would buy again. Different experience on using it with IXEG 737. Here is a copy of my report to VA support, 4 days ago: MCP 737-R. V/s vertical sink and climb not working. Wheel not turning in simulator. Data goes to 7900 feet climb-sink. Disengage same problem as with x737. Must be moved several times. Vnav and lnav interchanged like x737. Button lnav goes to vnav . C/o, IAS, Mach don´t work on first touch. Several button press necessary. EFIS with x737: wxp no function. STA, WPT, ARPT only one way. You push. It works. But new push no reaction. You put it on, but can' t put it off. Buttons POS and Terr no reaction. Radio Baro no reaction. FPV and MTRS button no action or reaction. VA support did not answer until now. I tried to find useable datafref to manipulate or adapt VA interface with Lua or Python but was not succesful. Maybe there is a trick to find dataref and someone already found a way to repair malfunction. It would be great to hear about your experiences with VA hardware and x plane. Regards Lissy These are my systems and hardware components: win7 ultimate, i7 4790K, 32gb ram, geforce gtx1070 x plane 10.51, saitek, radio (2x), multi-panel, switch-panel, throttle (2x), rudder-pedal, CH-yoke, VirtualAvionics mcp, efis, haversine airtrack, airfmc, radio contact4, multi crew experience ixeg737, x737, challenger300, FF757, FF777
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