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  1. Live weather doesn’t seem to work on fox steam anymore can anyone help. kind Regards Nick Mathias
  2. Hi Braden, I gave an internet connection but dosent seem to update, for example I put heathrow and click live weather but its snowing!!!! kind regards nick
  3. Thanks allot it worked, do you know about the live weather in fsx, it doesn't seem to update, can anyone help
  4. can you help , I cant seem to load the hompage up, it says I'm not connected whicj I am???
  5. Hi there please can you help you me, having the same problem, go to fsx says I'm not connected to the Internet, the homepage dosen't seem to come on and my weather dosen't seem to update, there some solutions but I'm not a computer wiz could you help because I don't think it's my system because the other people with the same problem. kind Regards nick
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