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  1. So I was starting up the Simulator after installing ASCA. and when I load into the simulator the textures are entirely grey and totally black. the grass is entirely black and the trees are grey. Please help! screenshot=https://imgur.com/a/CKoXbO3 and no its not winter
  2. i got other addons such as FTX Global and active sky
  3. System Specs I7700k 4,2GHZ 16GB ram 1060 3GB  1080p 144 hertz monitor 
  4. how much will this aircraft affect performence?
  5. so i get like still good quality and good fps at the same time if that's even possible for my system specs
  6. Yes I know but I got very low settings on those, for example, rex sky force uses the lowest setting now i just need advice how to put the prepare3d settings for my system
  7. Any suggestions cuz like the first person said I need something to go after and that is an acceptable fps but the game still looks good. after a long time in the sim, I crash or get unacceptable fps around 17-25FPS
  8. I'm trying to get the sim to look good and at the same time get an acceptable fps
  9. Thanks! expect the information is outdated and no longer downloadable
  10. Hello, I would like some assistance! System Specs I7700k 4,2GHZ 16GB ram 1060 3GB 1080p 144 hertz monitor Add-ons FTX global Ultimate Terrain Europe Active sky Rex sky force A321/A320 proffs Aerosoft version
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