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Posts posted by wan2fly99

  1. When I start the sim and go to cockpit view, I do not touch the zoom feature using the mouse

    I see zoom is set at 40.

    Is this realistic?

    Using this sometimes trying to see runways signage is quit impossible.  If I point the aircraft right at the sign and then zoom in you can disguinsh what it says.

    When flying GA in real life, I can see the sign.

    Not sure if zoom as to be set deiferently

  2. Dont have any hardware yet for radios, etc.


    So trying to fly the C-150, ( you don't fly a C-150 with auto-pilot) , was doing a flight that will be doing in the real C-150 in the ext few days.

    Well trying to see the radio stack and trying to turn the knobs, it is extremely difficult to zoom in, try to turn and keep control, even though it was all trimmed out


    Wish they had capability to click on radio stack and popup in a new window so you can see as prev versions of flight sim had.

    My little complaint


  3. Actually sim is missing many aspects to practice IFR flying.  Position of aircraf to repeat multiple approaches.  Frequencies for nav aid display on may.


    Flight tracking on map along with vertical tracking.


    For ATC, no use trying, the best is to use Vatsum, IVAO or Piloteye and that will give you a sense of IFR flying in the real world


    My 2 cents

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