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    Sim enthusiast. Commercial pilot.

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  1. I’m sorry, but your latter point is actually absurd. The purpose of a flight simulator is to provide a realistic and accurate simulated model of a real aircraft, its systems, and its dynamics as applicable to the environment it is operated in, such that a user may use the simulator in a fashion that resembles operation in the real world. When a simulated aircraft does not behave in a manner to be expected of it, such as an autopilot related death dive, the value of the simulator is diminished - not enhanced. A simulator can indeed be used as a tool to help recover from unforeseen failures, but in all instances those failures should be programmable by the user, such as via a “failures” setting, not induced by a software bug. Framing your Grand Caravan’s autopilot malfunctions as a deliberate attempt to keep you on your toes may be a good psychological coping mechanism, but you shouldn’t expect everybody to be as accepting as yourself of major bugs like this. I’ve made excellent use of X-Plane 11 in recent years as an IFR procedural trainer, which has been incredibly handy before an instrument proficiency check in the real world. I would very much like to be able to use MSFS2020 as an educational device and training aid in the same way, but that’s currently impossible. You may come here for an escape from your frustrations, but this is a forum for a piece of software in ongoing development. There are others who use Avsim to either vent their frustrations, or to raise awareness of the myriad of issues affecting the sim. Sometimes their frustrations may seem exaggerated, and that may well be the case, but they’re still perfectly entitled to vent them.
  2. It’s certainly possible but I don’t think so. The stuttering for me had been quite perceivable to the point of being quite an annoyance. From what I’ve seen so far it seems to have disappeared for the most part. I’m assuming it had something to do with the optimisation with simconnect.
  3. Early days, but also seem to be less plagued by stutters and have experienced a perceivable FPS boost when using the jets. I have typically been running XMapsy and Navigraph Simlink in the background.
  4. Just came across a problem I hadn’t experienced before. Im flying the G1000 on the 172, put the aircraft autopilot in GPS Navmode, and hit the HDG knob to sync the heading bug on the HSI with my present heading. But the heading bug is syncing to my reciprocal heading instead, and no matter what I do (deselect navmode, select heading mode, disengage autopilot) it continues to want to sync to a heading 180 degrees from my present heading. Was going to report to Zendesk, but wanted to suss whether anybody else had experienced the issue as well?
  5. I think you’re onto something. Not only windsocks. I’ve noticed that cloud movement and water swell seems to correspond with the correct wind, even when I’m only experiencing 225 / 3 in my immediate vicinity.
  6. 225 @ 3: Today begins my journey, I bid my friends goodbye How sullen is my mother’s mood, she thinks I’m gonna die Inside my room I have a globe, a line stretched right across With little pins I’ve marked my track. Around the world. At all costs. I check the forecast and reflect, on how lucky that I am The sky is clear, the wind is calm, my mother needn’t her Diazepam And so the mighty engine roars, my wings bring me aloft So smooth, like silk, yet in the sky. I pray all my journey remain so soft. Two two five at three. Two two five at three. The gods have granted unto me, two two five at three. A day or two of pale blue skies, of total bliss in flight Yet now the weather begins to turn, with ferocity and might That air mass from the frosted south, it chills me to bone The skies begin to darken and I suddenly feel alone And yet... I clutch my yoke with a heavy hand, I anticipate a blow But this time I do not expect, the way the air will flow Two two five at three. 2 2 5 at 3. No matter what the forecast said, it’s 2 2 5 at 3. The gods have granted unto me, 2 2 5 at 3. Half a world away from home, I haven’t had a hitch But what I see this fateful day goads me to try to ditch No sight of land and yet ahead the clouds begin to twirl A typhoon? Or a hurricane? No matter, I feel the urge to hurl. I can’t go back, I haven’t fuel, and so I press ahead. A turning swirling swell of greenish grey. I should have stayed in bed. Two two five at three. 2 2 5 at 3. I then remark upon the oddity, of 2 2 5 at 3. It seems indeed that I’ve been blessed, with 2 2 5 at 3. Those little pins upon my globe are now places I have been. I’ve flown my plane around the world, such splendours I have seen! I tell my friends glorious tales of tempests, winds and rain. To a ruin a good story, now that would be the shame. Two two five at three. 2 2 5 at 3. Your secret stays safe with me.
  7. Complete overreaction. This is nothing to do with worshipping Asobo or MSFS 2020. Many of us have simply made the point that we believe 2D views to be obsolete. I’m happy to be convinced otherwise. MSFS 2020 certainly isn’t the first sim to dispense of the 2D cockpit.
  8. I noticed strange behaviour even using preset wind conditions. I’ll jump on and try again shortly.
  9. That’s an interesting point. Now that you mention it I’ve noticed that too.
  10. Two observations on windsocks: 1) their response to the wind seems absurd. They often seem to glitch about left and right, up and down in a stop-motion fashion without any real fluidity and don’t seem to provide a reliable indication of wind direction or speed. 2) I’ve noticed their placement often doesn’t match the real world. I’ve wondered why this is the case, and whether it could make for a straightforward fix. Oftentimes the windsock’s location is really obvious from satellite imagery, as it sits at the centre of a large painted circle. I’m no expert on these things, but I would assume that one way there location could be determined is by programming the AI to identify those circles from the sat imagery and position the windsocks accordingly. Any thoughts? Be nice 😋
  11. I agree. I don’t think it’s necessary. It’s not a thing in X-Plane 11 either and with free view and the ability to adjust your eye level in the cockpit, it’s more or less been rendered obsolete.
  12. I think what MatthewS is saying is that you “don’t” require rudder pedals for progressive braking. I.e. the aircraft will brake progressively even if you’ve assigned the brakes to a simple button.
  13. Well that’s patently untrue. The winds are “not” perfect in all regions of the world as live winds are not always being implemented. Many, many users are reported that in many parts of the world the wind is defaulting to 3kts with Live Weather applied. Just because YOU think that everything is working perfectly for YOU, doesn’t negate that there is a real issue with live weather right now.
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