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Everything posted by lyldz

  1. now i have got a same problem 😪 could it be because of add-ons?using lorby axis,rex weather app, trackIR, FStramp and honeycomb addon installed. any idea for this? @adaniel have you solved the problem yet?
  2. you are not alone some problem is here.I have no idea.whats going on 😡
  3. this is answered in tdssim support forum.
  4. any chance it'll be published in game marketplace?
  5. You could create a Windows Shortcut on the desktop to Navigraph Charts.exe, right mouse on the shortcut and in properties give shortcut key such as CTRL+Alt+H.
  6. Latest dev.version ATC not recognize altitude?anyone help me for this?
  7. before injection choose weather clear sky then start app.its work for me
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