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Posts posted by SubtotalGuide

  1. 11 hours ago, spacedyemeerkat said:

    Moan, moan, moan, moan, moan. Literally every post of yours in this thread is moaning about something. My goodness.

    Just go and do some flying, take your mind off it.

    Have you also noticed that I so desperately want to but each time I try there is another CTD or some performance issues that I have to deal with yet again. Not to mention the terrible live weather and degraded graphics we have now. So I have to patiently wait until they make it a priority to restore the sim quality and fix the bugs and performance issues introduced since release while they introduce more sci-fi ships and keep the newcomers happy.

  2. There seems to be two types of people here.

    One side in the trenches actually using the sim knowing what issues it has and another that gets a kick out of shouting down from the top telling the peasants to stop complaining and be happy with their free content.

    No one using this sim each day from the start and who wants it to improve will have the nerve to tell others that 70% of reported bugs are user error when they can be so easily replicated by anyone willing to test.

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  3. Yeah, I'm just bored with life waiting for the sim to get stable again along with the removed features and quality that I paid for at release. Any year now, just have to be patienttm.

    Wonder how these DLC ideas would've gone over back in 2019/20 while the sim was being marketed to the dedicated flight simmers. I bet people would've called us conspiracy theorists and how this was never going to happen. Sim for simmers and all that. Yet here we are, barely two years into the decade long journey.

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  4. 5 hours ago, abrams_tank said:

    Yes, what @pstrub said.  One requirement to work at Asobo is that you must speak French, for some of the teams inside Asobo, from what I have heard.  I think finding 3D modelers and 3D artists in France is very easy so finding a 3D artist or 3D modeler is like a dime in a dozen.

    The hard part is finding qualified software developers who have a background in engineering/physics, and understand flight dynamics, and can speak French.  That's not an easy position to fill. 

    Software developers in France that can speak French?  Yeah, I'm sure Asobo can find those, even though there is a shortage of software developers in many countries already.  But also with a background in physics and can understand flight dynamics?  Now it's not so easy.

    And even if you can find a software developer that can satisfy all these criteria, then you have to train them on the MSFS SDK, the architecture and framework for MSFS, and all the other MSFS specific knowledge in a software project like MSFS.  That alone takes 1 to 2 months before any software developer starts to become productive for their team.

    Some would say this is by design and a convenient excuse. Where there is a will there is a way. I mean, what happened with opening communications with RXP? He checked all of these boxes and yet he was suspended from posting on the official forum. Glaringly obvious what is going on here to anyone paying attention over the past two years.

    And that is why people get upset when we mainly see new content being pushed. It has nothing to do with people having casual fun.

  5. 1 hour ago, lwt1971 said:

    I’ve worked in software development for over 25 years now and I can unequivocally say that both a) and b) are hard truths regardless of what the software product or codebase is. If only if it was as easy as throwing more devs at a problem or switching them around to work on any part of the product at any time :)

    25 years? Impressive, thank you for informing us. Some great insight into what the devs must be facing. I for one now fully understand the challenges they must face. Not easy being an indie dev these days trying to keep the lights on. Well, I'm off flying the Pelican. Clouds look right out of a sci-fi movie, beautiful! Controls seems unresponsive while looking around but I'm sure that is on me. Haven't updated my BIOS in ages! And why is the ship bobbing up and down so much, don't like it. Hope they fix that soon. Whoa, game just exited thinking about playing Halo! Must be that Blackshirt AI reading my mind! Great stuff!

  6. Quote

    "many older hardcore realism simmers had a stroke when Pelikan jumpscared them at the end of the showcase."

    "many young casual gamers had a tantrum when Seb announced gusts will be back in SUX."

    Which one of these will get you flagged first on the official forum?

    First marketed towards the former, they are now the acceptably mocked minority of MSFS. Notice how even the community managers are now freely stating what the goal is, new users.



    Our hope is that fans of the Halo series who otherwise were not interested in Microsoft Flight Simulator will see the Pelican in the trailer and decide to give MSFS a shot, especially if they’re already an Xbox Game Pass subscriber so there’s no additional cost to them.

    True colours shining brightly.



  7. Over and over the mantra is repeated, like it's not obvious different teams exist.

    Begs the question, what are the bug-fixing and other core sim teams actually doing then? Obvious and top-voted issues persist for months or years. What exactly are Asobo's priorities at this time?

    Freebies are not going to stop us from asking these questions while the foundation is shaking.

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  8. 4 hours ago, lwt1971 said:

    Cloud - Layer Improvements (Bugs LT #2, #17): SU10: Fine-tuning of the cloud layer system to be more precise and incremental is ongoing. The cloud layer will be much thinner at sea level and thicker at higher altitudes. The updated system will better depict a realistic cloud coverage at low altitude with an update of the weather panel.

    Please explain why cloud heights are not coming from meteoblue data no longer? Why is Asobo reinventing the wheel here so to speak?


    6 hours ago, RichieFly said:

    The Halo part caught me out for minute. I was thinking: Yeah, sure. Why not build the sim to include near space/orbit? Space station and what have you. Then, I came to and realized that's a Halo ad.

    It's a shame the way this sim is being trashed. This is what they spend resources on. And don't tell me they have different teams, Seb is prob the only one working on core sim features. The rest is making Jorg happy with new content.

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