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Posts posted by SubtotalGuide

  1. 44 minutes ago, GuyFlyer said:

    The way the sun is illuminating and the bloom on the plane in some of those pictures looks like HDR is on in the after pics and off in the before Pictures. 

    Yes the colours and lighting are brighter and more contrasty since SU5. They've rewritten the rendering engine.

    This is why these comparison shots are useless anyway, there's always nitpicking about irrelevant things to try and discredit them.

    Even Asobo's own screenshots showed the pixelated and shimmering clouds when up close. They must've forgotten to turn off sharpening and bloom.


  2. What sharpening? I've disabled it in UserCfg as per recommendations to reduce graininess. Even if sharpened, why didn't it affect the initial version so much?

    18 hours ago, Pastaiolo said:

    Pixelled clouds have been with us for ages, but never so much.

    You're right, thank SU5 for that. No matter how one spins this, the fact remains they significantly downgraded clouds and weather.

    There seems to be this mindset of reducing graphical quality across the board for everyone instead of getting rid of the artificial limits and letting people choose to max out performance and quality based on their hardware.

    I guess it feels good being able to now run at High/Ultra on mid to lower-end hardware even though the same level of settings look worse than before when you could've just turned down the settings.

  3. Pixelated and grainy clouds have been an issue for a while. After all the optimizations introduced along the way, most notably SU5, it's now in the worst state yet. Some notice it less than others.


    My shots were taken using the same graphics settings @ Render Scale 200 on a 1080p monitor.

    Sharpen and FilmGrain were set to 0 in UserCfg.opt.

  4. Anyone using live weather since SU7 will instantly recognize this mess. No need for Photoshop.

    Another issue with clouds is the change in lighting and colour palette since SU5. It's brighter and more "cartoony". Clouds also have this yellow mashed potato look to them. Someone at the top must've thought it all looked a little too dull and lifelike before.

    Then of course the pixelated and shimmering appearance up close.

    To prove this I loaded the same weather preset in both Release and WU7. Do you see the difference in quality? All the fine details are gone.





    And before someone say "oh but the performance was terrible back then", no. I'm able to run release at full ultra and it's silky smooth capped at 30FPS using RivaTuner on a RTX 3080 and Ryzen 5900X. In fact the current performance is worse now than ever. By optimizing the sim using "clever" tricks like unloading and reloading scenery they've actually made things much, much worse, especially on the ground near airports. All that to make it fit into a BOX.

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  5. Live weather is FUBAR since SU7. Clouds have been trashed since SU5.

    Those pushing the cloudscape photos, do you not see how they all look the same?

    All the time a generic mishmash of cumulus and cirrus with snow and fog popping in and out. METAR says OVC, MSFS says "I don't understand".

    It's not "going in the right direction" or "working really well" which I see so many times repeated. Standards have either fallen drastically or some form of compensation is going around for saying these things.

    Get the weather back to being awesome Asobo, please I beg.

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  6. 56 minutes ago, pstrub said:

    Do you expect them to implement just anything WITHOUT a justification? That wouldn't make any sense at all...

    No of course not, we are talking about broken or missing flight sim features.

    Do you think Jorg needed much persuasion to add Australia or Iberia or any other wished for World Update? How about Reno or that Top Gun DLC?

    Why is requesting hardcore flight sim functionality being met with so much resistance then? Does it not make financial sense?

  7. 1 minute ago, pstrub said:

    I don't hear anything negative from this. All he's saying is that they have the possibility to request features from Jörg, if they can justify the need.

    Don't you see the issue? These kind of features have to be justified first. Like when Jorg asked why we would need historic weather. It's like he doesn't understand why these things are important in a flight sim.


    45 minutes ago, pstrub said:

    Any explanation as to why they would bring Working Title on board then?

    That only happened after enough people complained about the Garmins. They would have happily continued as planned otherwise.

    Remember Rob from PMDG saying how they have to convince Jorg to spend time and resources adding aviation related functionality?

    It's simply not a priority.

  9. 1 hour ago, JDWalley said:

    The question of whether cloud layers are now AGL or MSL is "UNDER INVESTIGATION," over a month after the matter was first raised.  How hard it it to figure that out, if you have the source code and debugging tools?

    Under Investigation means "Right now we are very busy with the next DLC Jorg instructed us to work on, but we will be looking at this issue intermittently as time permits. Apologies if during this busy time we forget what the actual issue was. In that case please remind us during the next Q&A or send a follow up to zendesk."

    • Like 3

  10. Yes and how many times do those criticizing the product and dev practices start hurling personal insults at each other? It's usually the "fan boys" that start it all and get threads closed, and for good reason. Those that have praised the sim enough are brought on as Leaders with the power to hide posts immediately.

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  11. We keep hearing from some how bad the performance was on release, well that really wasn't so if you had the hardware or turned down the settings.

    Then with each update the performance got worse for no apparent reason. The graphics gradually got worse too. To finally solve the performance issues they released SU5 and people were happy again. Problem was the now major graphical downgrade.

    Those that complained were told there is no downgrade. Then after comparison shots started trickling in it was because we complained about performance that they had to reduce graphics. Performance issues that didn't exist initially. Thanks to enough complaining and whining we got back some of it. The clouds are still a cartoon of their former self.

    Imagine what we could've had by now if they kept building and improving on the base sim. Alas Xbox had to happen and there was no way the release version would have run on it. It was a slow and frustrating process to get us used to the version they had planned for us all along, but Microsoft successfully pulled one off again.

    Now a new alpha weather system which is simply a mess was forced upon us.

    Always a give and take with no option to refuse.

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  12. There is without a doubt a downgrade in the weather and clouds, it's not even matching the METAR data. The same weather pattern appears all around the globe, like a variation on a theme. I find it highly suspicious when the same ones that rooted for the SU5 (ie Xbox) downgrades are doing the same thing now with the new SU7 weather system. How anyone can see this as an improvement is beyond me. I fear this is going to take another year to solve.

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